2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 059 查高ChaKao

◆  059. 查高ChaKao / FB: 查高 / IG: chakao11


2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 058 萱 X 喵喵摩鐵 Hsuan X SexyMeowtel

◆ 058. 萱 X 喵喵摩鐵 Hsuan X SexyMeowtel / FB: Hsuan Chen’s Art / IG: hschen1117

『萱 Hsuan』 ,一邊謀生一邊創作,從植物病理轉彎到設計,曾去日本短暫生活過,北漂資歷2年半,最近剛與夥伴開啟刺青的旅程。作品用色鮮豔強烈,跟一身黑白灰的本人完全相反。持續嘗試在不同媒材間轉換,擅長將抽象的事物轉換成具體的角色、畫面,仔細觀察作品細節,會發現裡頭藏有許多小故事,獵奇又不失溫度。有一隻公主病黑喵,幫她開了『喵喵摩鐵』帳號,繪製由一群喵喵經營的摩鐵裡發生的大小事,歡迎各位喵奴追蹤。

I’m Hsuan, who makes a living while creating. I had shifted my career from plant pathology to design. I once lived in Japan for a short period of time. I have been in Taipei for 2.5 years; and have just started tattooing with my partner recently. My works use bright and strong colors, completely opposite to myself, who usually wear colors black, white and gray. I continue to try switching between different materials, and like to transform abstract things into concrete characters and images. If you carefully observe the details of the works, you will find out many stories hidden inside. I also live with a princess-sick black cat. There is another illustration account @sexymeowtel for my cat and I welcome any cataholic person to enjoy it.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 057 只會亂畫 Jrhueiii

◆ 057. 只會亂畫 Jrhueiii / FB: 只會亂畫 Jrhueiii / IG: jrhueiii


I am Jrhuei, and I was born in 1998. I was named 「芷卉」because among the names the fortune teller provided, it’s the one with the least strokes. I like to introduce myself as 「只會」(can only), the words pronounced the same as my mandarin name, because it’s funnier and more impressive to say so. Also, I name myself 「只會亂畫」due to that I was afraid of failing when first time caricaturing. When creating my works, I like to draw some yellow chubby figures and A-gui, especially them in mountains or them exploring the world. I hope one day more people will know them!

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 056 蛋妹 ViviChen Illustration

◆  056. 蛋妹 ViviChen Illustration / FB: 蛋妹 ViviChen / IG: vivichen33

ViviChen Illustration 是一個插畫品牌,由蛋妹繪製。一個腦中有很多想法的女子,於2012開始插畫創作與接案的生活,默默在插畫領域經營多年。她的插畫作品藏著淡淡憂鬱的心靈反思。偏愛手繪筆觸的細膩與飽和色彩,善於賦予圖像說故事的空間想像,畫中藏著象徵及隱喻。商業作品則多見於文學書籍、文章,報紙副刊及各商業類。

ViviChen Illustration is an illustration brand which created by Vivi Chen( 蛋妹). She is a freelance illustrator based-in Taipei, Taiwan. She majors in fine arts in college and has worked as an illustrator for over 8 years after graduation. Her experience has covered newspapers, novels and commercial advertisements. Her works often portray with details and turn daily objects into content with metaphors. She likes to focus on abstract feeling and atmosphere.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 055 灰塵魚dust fish

◆ 055. 灰塵魚dust fish / FB: 灰塵魚 / IG: dust_fish_


Yi-Chen Lee,pen name is Dust Fish.She is a substitute teacher in the daytime,and be a illustrator at night.Cooperation contains Press,magazine and enterprises. She loves animals,and loves to draw with animals. Her representative work is cat athlete.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 054 Astrid W. 阿脆

◆ 054. Astrid W. 阿脆 / FB: Astrid’s Storytelling / IG: astrid4art


2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 053 陳怡揚 YiYang Chen

◆ 053. 陳怡揚 YiYang Chen / FB: B/S 故事集 / IG: s926142003


Born and raised in Hsinchu County. Found my own belief after journey to the world. Spend time doing sketches in temples and traditional festivals in Taiwan and try to combine taiwanese traditional belief with modern culture.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 052 嘰哩 Jily

◆ 052. 嘰哩 Jily / FB: 嘰哩 Jily / IG: j_i_l_yyyy_


2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 051 金玉水草平文創工作室 JYSCP Ciel

◆ 051. 金玉水草平文創工作室  JYSCP Ciel / FB: 金玉水草平文創工作室 JYSCP Ciel / IG: cielgc

於2020年改名為劉鈺萍,決定用新名字拆解重組為品牌《金玉水草平》,代表我自己。我的身體內住著兩個靈魂並想嘗試不同風格和不同議題。近期以體操選手兔子《CMY rabbit》來呈現這個繽紛的世界。

Changed its name to Liu Yuping in 2020, and decided to use the new name to disassemble and reorganize it into the brand “Jin Yu Shui Cao Ping”, representing myself.There are two souls in my body and I want to try different styles and different topics. Recently, this colorful world is presented with the gymnast rabbit “CMY rabbit”.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 050 唐葫蘆姑娘 miss_tanghulu

◆ 050. 唐葫蘆姑娘 miss_tanghulu / FB: 唐葫蘆姑娘 / IG: miss_tanghulu


Tanghulu is an illustrator and graphic designer from Taiwan, who is accomplished in coloring and character design.She is particularly fascinated by Chinese culture and religions, which has brought out her iconic style. Her inspirations in her illustration come from interesting details in real life. She believes that illustration is not just a bearing of story and temperature, she hopes that illustration will rewrite history as well.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 048 鴨寶 Where’s Hazel?

◆ 048. 鴨寶 Where’s Hazel? / FB: 鴨寶 Where’s Hazel? / IG: cyhs2017

鴨寶,平面設計師,因熱愛自然風景,有台灣百岳、日本富士山的登山經驗,並於2018至2019年間,前往匈牙利打工度假,完成長達數千公里的歐洲朝聖之路。除了在FB專頁〈鴨寶Where’s Hazel?〉分享健行經驗與不同類型的創作者外,也常在IG@cyhs2017分享個人的速寫作品。

Hazel Chang, a graphic designer who loves nature landscapes has a lot of unforgettable experiences of hiking in Taiwan and in Japan. She went to Hungary for working holiday and finished Camino de Santiago from Hungary to Spain more than 3000 km. You can find these photos and sketches of hiking on FB ”Where’s Hazel?” and IG @cyhs2017.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 046 中山伴遊郎 Curly escort

◆ 046. 中山伴遊郎 Curly escort / FB: 中山伴遊郎 / IG: curly_escort

台灣插畫家李翰,從事商業插畫十餘年,以角色設計為主,創作過 ”舉牌小人” 與 “ 快樂骻下 “,曾與台灣啤酒,Nike,IKEA,Uniqlo 等國內外知名品牌合作,其創作領域涵蓋插畫、平面設計、乃至於商品,同時也舉辦各種活動與計畫。” 中山伴遊郎 “ 則轉換與過往都不同的風格呈現都會的少女畫風。

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 045 楊軒 Kat

◆ 045. 楊軒 Kat / IG: katlyang



2021 Society of Illustrators Exhibition 紐約插畫家協會 入圍
2020 Society of Illustrators Exhibition 紐約插畫家協會 入圍
2020 3×3 International Illustration Show 3×3插畫年鑑 入圍

Katherine Yang is a Taiwanese illustrator based in New York City. She graduated from the School of Visual Arts with a BFA in illustration. Using mainly watercolor and digital media, her work captures senses of movements and emotions inside a vast space. She also enjoys composing a bit of music with the piano in her spare time!

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 044 韞麑 yunni

◆ 044. 韞麑 yunni / FB: yun_ni_oio_ / IG: fawn_friends_


yunni, illustrator creator. Create these characters during the internship, hoping to keep creating their stories to warm everyone. Most of the days I waited are the splendor that can’t be touched, portraying some encounters, recording some happenings, and fantasizing about some romantic things. Some gentleness is not just words, but the companionship of knowing and cherishing each other. I hope someone will accompany you on every journey.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 043 Thisis Yali

◆ 043. Thisis Yali / FB: Thisis Yali / IG: chenyaliillustration

Thisis Yali 插畫設計工作室成立於2020,創作者陳亞立在接案教書之餘也透過個人創作抒發生活中的微哲理。時而溫柔時而瘋狂的女孩常常是作品中的主角,主題囊括人物、植物、3D復古物件。不定期生產限量插畫周邊如月曆、孔版海報、貼紙、印花等小物,享受將產品如禮物般的交到消費者手中的過程,並相信透過插畫的力量每個人都可以找到生活中的一些火花!

Thisis Yali Illustration & Design Studio founded in early 2020.  Funder and the creator Chen Yali works on self published illustration art work other than freelancing and teaching. Illustration are often are life experience inspired situation. The studio published calendar, riso print, stickers and many other design good. It’s a happy process from making the design to handing the final product to the customer as a gift. We stronger believe that everyone can find some sparkle in life through the power of illustration!

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 042 夢遊地帶 Sleepwalking zone

◆ 042. 夢遊地帶 Sleepwalking zone / FB: 夢遊地帶 / IG: zhou.da.wei

探索藝術的靈魂,時代的美學,在虛擬的現實中,神秘的小店裡,滿足你的視覺與心靈,在現實與夢境之間,這裡是樂園的入口 _ 夢遊地帶 ✨

Explore the soul of art, the aesthetics of the times, in virtual reality, in a mysterious shop, satisfy your vision and soul, between reality and dream, here is the entrance to the paradise _ Sleepwalking Zone ✨

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 041 薯泥沙拉 Nisa

◆ 041. 薯泥沙拉 Nisa / FB : 薯泥沙拉 / IG : vani.sasaa

嗨!歡迎來到薯泥沙拉的世界! 請帶著輕鬆愉快的心情一起來玩耍~

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 040 CG—圓藝家

◆ 040. CG—圓藝家/ FB: Circles Gene Ration / IG:circles_generation


2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 039 Katherine Kreates

◆  039. Katherine Kreates / FB: Katherine Kreates / IG: katherine_kreates

Katherine Yang 從小就是一個夜貓。燈一關,腦袋就會開始胡思亂想,進入一個無止盡的黑洞,呈現出心裡一幕幕的寫照。她的作品用開心的的人物與喜悅的顏色以表達讓人沈思的觀點與想法是她的作品特色。

Katherine Yang is an illustrator, designer, and a night owl. Her whimsical, colorful looking illustrations are visual representations of her battling with her obsessive intrusive thoughts, which always gets out of control at night. Katherine is a recent graduate from Parsons the New School of Design, class of 2020.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 038 浪漫人 Langmanren

◆  038. 浪漫人 Langmanren / FB: 浪漫人/ IG: woxowart


Establisher of “ Langmanren”, Helen, defines “romance” as same as Romanticism. “Langman” (浪漫)doesn’t literally mean “romantic” in Chinese, but the spirit of persistent, fearless, and dreaming for creation. Langmanren started up on Facebook since 2016. The intention of Langmanren is continuous innovative creation, which the creation always inspired by daily feelings. Langmanren has joined holiday market, creator bazaar since 2017 which diverse the creative model and products. The collection extend from illustration, stickers, badge, decorations, to mural, paper art, and ceramic art etc. Besides the collections, Helen has created lots of characters to spread idea and has made art easier in popular. Langmanren is building its own creating worldview and discovering different method to express art. To be international and introduce Taiwanese original creation to the world, Langmanren keeps on developing diversified and innovative creative methods.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 037 神奇光線,發射 she nQi Guang Xian Fa She

◆ 037. 神奇光線,發射 she nQi Guang Xian Fa She / FB:「神奇光線,發射」/ IG: laurenfanning27

神奇光線發射 #音樂畫家,作品以獨立音樂的場景,樂手為主體,創作精神受蘇格蘭電音樂隊 CHVRCHES 影響,目標是有一天能跟主唱Lauren結婚,和他去日本做拉麵美食蜜月之旅。作品以油漬搖滾流行電子樂隊[神奇樂團]為創作核心,藉由虛擬樂團來描寫音樂人的價值觀跟生活態度,樂隊成員有來自蘇格蘭格拉斯哥的蘿倫.芬妮擔任主音,來自台南的艾蜜莉(emily)擔任吉他手,來自台北的馨如(sinru)擔任鼓手,是女子三人編制的樂團。

I am Zinan, a cartoonist from Taiwan. I have been one of your biggest fan ever since I first came across CHVRCHES’s song in 2014.Your songs have been my biggest comfort that encourages me to keep on chasing my dreams. For the past few years, I having been making 1000+ comics of CHVRCHES on Twitter and Instagram. My recent work is “Lauren Fanning”, it’s a story about a band of 3 girls, “Magical”. I really look forward to cooperating with CHVRCHES one day. It will mean the world to me if one day I can make you CHVRCHES’ album cover or posters!

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 036 渣男熊宇宙觀

◆ 036. 渣男熊宇宙觀 / FB: 渣男熊宇宙觀/ IG: playbear520


Ever since middle school, I have been creating various Gif as an interest. Now that I am working as an illustrator on a Gif website, I have dedicated myself in developing the Gif community.Being a medical associate at the same time, my ultimate goal is to bring tranquility and soothingness through these playful animals during this pandemic.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 034 鮭魚子 Salmon roe

◆ 034. 鮭魚子 Salmon roe / IG: tina19455



2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 033 愛華華 AI_HUA_HUA

◆  033. 愛華華  AI_HUA_HUA / FB: AI HUA HUA / IG: ai_hua_hua

愛華華,台北,插畫設計自由工作者。2019炎炎夏日中個人品牌出生了,名為「愛華華 AI-HUA-HUA」。承認三分鐘熱度的我,只希望能自由地拿著畫筆到老。品牌特別喜愛用霓虹或是螢光色彩,感覺就像是沉醉在眼花撩亂的繽紛世界,也同時象徵自己想要達到的美好幻想領域,美式漫畫加上奇幻搞怪效果也是我的獨特風格。