2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 058 萱 X 喵喵摩鐵 Hsuan X SexyMeowtel

◆ 058. 萱 X 喵喵摩鐵 Hsuan X SexyMeowtel / FB: Hsuan Chen’s Art / IG: hschen1117

『萱 Hsuan』 ,一邊謀生一邊創作,從植物病理轉彎到設計,曾去日本短暫生活過,北漂資歷2年半,最近剛與夥伴開啟刺青的旅程。作品用色鮮豔強烈,跟一身黑白灰的本人完全相反。持續嘗試在不同媒材間轉換,擅長將抽象的事物轉換成具體的角色、畫面,仔細觀察作品細節,會發現裡頭藏有許多小故事,獵奇又不失溫度。有一隻公主病黑喵,幫她開了『喵喵摩鐵』帳號,繪製由一群喵喵經營的摩鐵裡發生的大小事,歡迎各位喵奴追蹤。

I’m Hsuan, who makes a living while creating. I had shifted my career from plant pathology to design. I once lived in Japan for a short period of time. I have been in Taipei for 2.5 years; and have just started tattooing with my partner recently. My works use bright and strong colors, completely opposite to myself, who usually wear colors black, white and gray. I continue to try switching between different materials, and like to transform abstract things into concrete characters and images. If you carefully observe the details of the works, you will find out many stories hidden inside. I also live with a princess-sick black cat. There is another illustration account @sexymeowtel for my cat and I welcome any cataholic person to enjoy it.