這次與 @artogotw 合作的線上展覽開始了

▍ 008. 【#當我是擺設?】陳柏媛
It works like a part of my life log Just say I want to say with another way.
Faced with the difficulties in life, I creations.
Faced with the joy of life, creative works and I still sing songs of joy.
Relearn daily with myself peaceful.
Creative patterns will change with a shift in days.
Always reflect the very real things I am looking at the moment, or what kind of life is.

▻FACEBOOK : 虫虫の行動畫室
▻INSTAGRAM : @minhua.chen.71
✸ 台北插畫藝術節 x ARTOGO線上展覽 ✸
✸ 2022台北插畫藝術節 : 時尚動物園 Fashion Zoo 12.16-12.18 ✸
▍大眾展期|2022 年12月16 日(Fri.) – 18日(Sun.)
▍展覽地點|松山文創園區 SCCP Taipei-北向製菸工廠
——-盲鳥早鳥票完售 ——-
▍售票網址|預售票熱買中 🔥
📍 Accupass | https://www.accupass.com/go/5th-TIF
📍 Klook | https://reurl.cc/deVa9M
📍 Ibon | https://reurl.cc/ymnA0M
✸ 特別聯名企劃✸
▍\【2022酒標徵件】 Best Tart For Life / 台北插畫藝術節X酉鬼啤酒
徵件報名簡章 | https://reurl.cc/XVQ890
報名表單網址 | https://forms.gle/o2Uhvd7FnrfKUZmA7
✸主視覺徵件✸ 2023第六屆台北插畫藝術節
徵件報名表單| https://forms.gle/ReFpWVSC7c9EdScW6
#台北插畫藝術節 #時尚動物園 #展出藝術家 #台北展覽 #松山文創園區 #插畫不只是插畫 #taipeiillustrationfair #illustration #illustrator #FashionZoo #2022TIF #TIF5th #TIF2022