Archives 11 月 2021

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 075 太迪了 Teddyz

◆ 075. 太迪了 Teddyz / FB: 太迪了/ IG: imteddyhello


2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 074 This_is_jimmywu

◆ 074. This_is_jimmywu / IG: this_is_jimmywu

比起色彩繽紛的畫面,更喜歡墨與水相結合所產生的化學變化。每次得到的結果都如同羅夏克墨漬測驗(Rorschach Ink-Blot Test)般難以預測,而這份充滿不確定的期待與緊張感也令我沉醉其中。以生活中較為輕鬆、詼諧的感觸為題,以圖像的方式將無形的”感覺”化為具象的平面物質,相較於男性,女性通常是多愁善感、感性的代名詞,因此藉由女性的形象作為情感的形式表現;配合弔詭逗趣的姿勢加上若有所指的標題,為單調乏味的生活增添多一點的想像與趣味。


◆ 073. RACHEL YANG / MSRYSTUDIO / FB: Msrystudio / IG: msrystudio

「想要擁有一個屬於自己的空間,不管外面多麼紛擾,我還是想回到一個只屬於我的地方,好好喘息,就是我的家。」Rachel Yang 瑞秋是插畫家及印花設計師。她擅長數位創作及喜好飽和、明亮和對比鮮明的色彩,尤其是她時常探索現代與自然間的平衡,她的創作啟發於近十年來多國的旅行和重回台灣的生活,重視與自己不同的文化和事物。生活中充滿了細節,等待她探索發現,並在她的作品中表現出來。在這次她的首展中,展示出她如何運用插畫到設計出現代新穎的波希米亞熱帶風情的連續印花,並使用在實際可以使用的布料、鞋子、家飾品及包裝產品上。而最後她更是反推這些概念回到了她的插畫作品中,塑照出理想居家風格的明信片、卡片和海報上,以她自己的步調,慢慢地將 MSRY 這個插畫及印花品牌變得更全面,並傳遞出一個理想安居樂家的想法給對家都有個夢想的各位。

” I want to have a space of mine no matter how turbulent outside. I still want to return to a place that belongs only to me, take a good breath in My Home.”Rachel Yang is a freelance surface pattern designer who focuses on experimenting with colors and organic elements to give nature a modern look. She values not only the inspiration from a decade of global traveling and bringing those precious memories into patterns, but also exploring around the neighborhood streets to find her design spark which brings immense joy to her work. Rachel’s creative journey started with fashion design and has ended in her true calling – pattern design and illustration.In this her first exhibition, she showed how she used illustrations to design modern and tropical bohemian prints for textiles, shoes, home decor, jewelry, and packaging products.   In the end, she reversed these concepts into her illustration works, sculpting the ideal home-style postcards, greeting cards, and posters. At her own pace, she slowly transformed MSRY, an illustration and surface pattern design brand, into a better one. Comprehensively and convey the idea of an ideal peaceful home to everyone who has a dream for a home.

2021 TIF 合作單位 好丘

【2021台北插畫藝術節 合作夥伴介紹】

#台北插畫藝術節 x 好丘Good Cho’s | 系列對談 : #我的主打歌

台北插畫藝術節系列在 #好丘 展開系列對談,
邀請到 #11位

而兩位以翻唱著稱的歌手 :

#5場 對談中,

?想知道 藝術家們是如何兼顧理想與現實 ?
?藝術與插畫產業光鮮亮麗背後的各種辛酸 ?
在產業中持續保持動力與熱情呢 ?

那你一定不能錯過本次系列對談 : 『我的主打歌』
這裡還有 #美酒佳餚#音樂饗宴
一起在 #好丘 #Chill 一下 ~

好丘 ▎簡介


生活型態空間─ 好丘在此,

亦是取 #good#choice 的諧音而來。


? 2021 台北插畫藝術節系列講座:我的主打歌

2021 TIF 合作單位 誠品生活

?2021台北插畫藝術節 合作夥伴介紹

#台北插畫藝術節 x #誠品生活南西

第四屆 #台北插畫藝術節誠品生活 eslite spectrum
於 10 / 18 – 10 / 31 共同舉辦了
#2021TIF插畫市集 X #誠品生活南西

打造獨特的 #封面故事
藉由 14 天插畫市集活動共同實踐
#插畫藝術大眾化 之願景。

誠品生活南西 ▎簡介


2021 TIF 合作單位 誠品電影院

【2021台北插畫藝術節 合作夥伴介紹】

#台北插畫藝術節 X 誠品電影院 eslite art house

邀請到 #6位 藝術圈不同領域的專業講師,
以及 #4位 才華洋溢的斜槓歌手們。
舉辦了 #2場論壇
分別探討的議題為 : 「 插畫的未來:NFT能幹嘛 ? NFT 怎麼開始 ? 」,
以及 「插畫的市場與發展:插畫是藝術嗎?」
全新型態的演唱會 : 『#MyCoverSong』。


#誠品電影院 ▎簡介 



2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 072 林昕慧 HsiHui illustration

◆ 072. 林昕慧 HsiHui illustration / FB: 月球旅行記 HsiHui.L Illustration / IG: hsihuilinillustration


HsiHui is an illustrator and graphic designer. In addition to commercial illustrations , she also do artworks about females, gender, and animals. Her works are usually created by advertising pigment, acrylic and digital materials.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 071 阿佩佩 peipie_153cm

◆ 071. 阿佩佩 peipie_153cm / FB: 阿佩佩 / IG: peipei_153cm


2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 070 王鉉HeRZ

◆ 070. 王鉉HeRZ / IG: herz__34


Hey I’m Herz.
I was born in Taipei in March.
Wanna find a balance between my many different points of view
and present those feelings in my works.
Life is about having good wine…time 🙂
also keep creatinggggg !  

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 068 Shen ㄚ審

◆ 068. Shen ㄚ審  / IG: lisart__shen


2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 066 竹工凡花 ABOUTRUEFLOWER

◆ 066. 竹工凡花 ABOUTRUEFLOWER / FB: 竹工凡花 Aboutrueflower / IG: aboutrueflower


2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 065 列拿 Lena_word_world

◆ 065. 列拿 Lena_word_world / IG: lena_word_world


Lena, which means “bright” and “shining,”  is the sun of God in Russian. A sun shower is a weather phenomenon that penetrates all the emotions, such as the bright sun and rain at the same time. Like our lives are full of happiness and sorrow. These are from my text creations, called “#Lena’s Sun Words.” (pun)  As for illustrations, they are “#Lena’s Fox Marriage,”  included. It’s because a sun shower is seen as “the marriage of the foxes” in Japanese. In order not to be found by humans, the foxes prayed to God for rain and hid behind it, so the team passed the village successfully. I have built “lena_word_world” on Instagram since 2015. I also have had a new identity as a illustration intern since 2021. “To be romantic fully and live hard.” Life might let you cry when eating and pretend to be the bravest person with a smile. Therefore, I hope I can save you in a romantic way little by little, just like magic.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 064 軍事基地 aaartistlife

◆ 064. 軍事基地 aaartistlife / FB: aaartistlife / IG: aaartistlife


My name is Jung. The distance between Taiwan and Australia is 5,600 kilometers, and I use illustration creation to narrow the distance between each other. Although there is a language problem, I can communicate with local people through illustrations. After all, art can communicate without words. These illustrations represent the path I have traveled, I also hope that people I like can one day follow the card to find their destination.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 063 艾V Yellow Wednesday

◆ 063. 艾V Yellow Wednesday / FB: 艾V Yellow Wednesday / IG: ivchen65

由ivchen擔任插畫品牌 ”艾V Yellow Wednesday” 的右手,品牌名稱由插畫家名字、喜歡的顏色及一周裡最喜歡的日期組成。希望藉著此品牌把喜愛的事物與大家分享,藉由插畫中無俚頭的角色在生活中為大家注入溫暖及想像力。近期插畫作品以創作的角色”阿人”為主角,阿人就像你身邊那個有點內向、有點佛系的朋友,以記錄阿人生活體驗所做的畫作,描述平凡生活中的小樂趣。

Ivchen is the illustrator who creates her brand named ”艾V Yellow Wednesday”. This brand is composed of the name of the illustrator, her favorite color, and her favorite day of the week. In addition, the illustration brand would like to share some works with everyone and bring warmth and imagination into everyone’s life through the characters who have cute personalities and funny-looking features. Recently, Ivchen uses the character “Aren” as the protagonist. Aren may represent one kind of your friends around you. These friends are a little introverted and live a Buddha-like life. All the illustrations are created to record Aren’s life experience and also describe the small pleasures of ordinary life.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 062 BLYTHE TSAI 布萊絲

◆ 062. BLYTHE TSAI 布萊絲 / FB: Blythe Tsai / IG: toffee_and_eleni

布萊絲(Blythe Tsai),身兼大學兼任講師、中世紀英國文學研究者、繪者等斜槓身份。一人一貓生活實踐者。在英國進行研究訪問期間因緣際會學習版畫入門,開始密集以版畫創作,擅長凸板。目前計為兩本書籍配圖《老謝的臺灣紀行》(今周刊,2021)、《海獅說歐洲趣史》(圓神,2019)。絹印作品「毛茸茸的擁抱」展於「2018高雄灰灰基地美術館《抱抱》罐頭聯展」。

Blythe Tsai, adjunct lecturer / medievalist / printmaker. She used to study printmaking at Leeds College of Arts during her PhD research visit in the UK. She specialises in relief printmaking in particular and has been commissioned to make printmaking illustrations for two books, published respectively in 2019 and 2021. One of her screen-printing art works entitled “Fluffy Hug” was displayed in a joint exhibition at Huei-Huei Gallery in Kaohsiubg, 2018.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 061 SEAN藝術設計聯合工作室—『醉後世界』SEAN Art Design Joint Studio-“The World After Drunk”

◆ 061. SEAN藝術設計聯合工作室—『醉後世界』SEAN Art Design Joint Studio-“The World After Drunk” / FB: 羅敏育 / IG: sean.artdesigner


Lo , born on August 19th, 1985, is a Leo with blood type O.He can’t function normally without a full sleep of 8 and a half hours. He is known as a slashes who can do computer aided design, a bass player of an underground band called Sideffect and Dying Chelsea, and is ,on top of that, also a father of 8 dogs and 17 cats. Graduating from Fu-Hsin Trade & Arts School Lo went on major in Visual Communication Design  of Jinwen University of Science and Technology. He is currently engaging in Corporate Identity, business design, art illustration and website design. He now owns a multipurpose design studio. Lo is very much good at picture associating and line drawing. He loves to remove the boundary between art and design with blurring, combining the two or even with an completely different aspect. He believes, “ What makes the best design is the richness and abundance of art. And what makes great art is the ingenuity of design. “ This time, Lo is invited to join this exhibition” the world of hangover” , and he would love to enrich people’s mind of the interdependent relationship between art and design in a humorous yet mind-blowing  way.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 060 寶拉胖 polla.paint

◆ 060. 寶拉胖 polla.paint / FB: 寶拉胖 polla.paint / IG: polla.paint

寶拉胖 (Polla Paint),生長於台灣的插畫創作者,目前居住於台北。喜愛繪製風景與人物之間的關係,多採用電子媒材創作,擅長運用細膩的線條勾勒出和諧整齊的畫面,並使用明亮的色彩帶出活潑的氛圍,再搭配全景構圖呈現大器之感。個人創作多以自身經歷出發,將日常景色與回憶揉捻成畫,作品不僅畫面豐富,同時也飽含豐沛的情感。作品《初心》就是以澳洲生活為主題進行創作。

Polla Paint
A Taiwan-based illustrator living in Taipei
Fond of depicting the relationships between landscapes and figures, Polla employs digital media to create her artworks. With her skill of drawing delicate lines to compose harmonious and organized imageries, Polla’s paintings also feature vivid colors and panoramic compositions that bring out lively atmosphere and grandeur. Her artistic inspiration primarily comes from her personal experience. By transforming everyday scenes and memories into paintings, her works are thus visually enriched and full of emotions. The work “Unchanging” is a creative project based on her life experience in Australia.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 059 查高ChaKao

◆  059. 查高ChaKao / FB: 查高 / IG: chakao11


2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 058 萱 X 喵喵摩鐵 Hsuan X SexyMeowtel

◆ 058. 萱 X 喵喵摩鐵 Hsuan X SexyMeowtel / FB: Hsuan Chen’s Art / IG: hschen1117

『萱 Hsuan』 ,一邊謀生一邊創作,從植物病理轉彎到設計,曾去日本短暫生活過,北漂資歷2年半,最近剛與夥伴開啟刺青的旅程。作品用色鮮豔強烈,跟一身黑白灰的本人完全相反。持續嘗試在不同媒材間轉換,擅長將抽象的事物轉換成具體的角色、畫面,仔細觀察作品細節,會發現裡頭藏有許多小故事,獵奇又不失溫度。有一隻公主病黑喵,幫她開了『喵喵摩鐵』帳號,繪製由一群喵喵經營的摩鐵裡發生的大小事,歡迎各位喵奴追蹤。

I’m Hsuan, who makes a living while creating. I had shifted my career from plant pathology to design. I once lived in Japan for a short period of time. I have been in Taipei for 2.5 years; and have just started tattooing with my partner recently. My works use bright and strong colors, completely opposite to myself, who usually wear colors black, white and gray. I continue to try switching between different materials, and like to transform abstract things into concrete characters and images. If you carefully observe the details of the works, you will find out many stories hidden inside. I also live with a princess-sick black cat. There is another illustration account @sexymeowtel for my cat and I welcome any cataholic person to enjoy it.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 057 只會亂畫 Jrhueiii

◆ 057. 只會亂畫 Jrhueiii / FB: 只會亂畫 Jrhueiii / IG: jrhueiii


I am Jrhuei, and I was born in 1998. I was named 「芷卉」because among the names the fortune teller provided, it’s the one with the least strokes. I like to introduce myself as 「只會」(can only), the words pronounced the same as my mandarin name, because it’s funnier and more impressive to say so. Also, I name myself 「只會亂畫」due to that I was afraid of failing when first time caricaturing. When creating my works, I like to draw some yellow chubby figures and A-gui, especially them in mountains or them exploring the world. I hope one day more people will know them!

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 056 蛋妹 ViviChen Illustration

◆  056. 蛋妹 ViviChen Illustration / FB: 蛋妹 ViviChen / IG: vivichen33

ViviChen Illustration 是一個插畫品牌,由蛋妹繪製。一個腦中有很多想法的女子,於2012開始插畫創作與接案的生活,默默在插畫領域經營多年。她的插畫作品藏著淡淡憂鬱的心靈反思。偏愛手繪筆觸的細膩與飽和色彩,善於賦予圖像說故事的空間想像,畫中藏著象徵及隱喻。商業作品則多見於文學書籍、文章,報紙副刊及各商業類。

ViviChen Illustration is an illustration brand which created by Vivi Chen( 蛋妹). She is a freelance illustrator based-in Taipei, Taiwan. She majors in fine arts in college and has worked as an illustrator for over 8 years after graduation. Her experience has covered newspapers, novels and commercial advertisements. Her works often portray with details and turn daily objects into content with metaphors. She likes to focus on abstract feeling and atmosphere.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 055 灰塵魚dust fish

◆ 055. 灰塵魚dust fish / FB: 灰塵魚 / IG: dust_fish_


Yi-Chen Lee,pen name is Dust Fish.She is a substitute teacher in the daytime,and be a illustrator at night.Cooperation contains Press,magazine and enterprises. She loves animals,and loves to draw with animals. Her representative work is cat athlete.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 054 Astrid W. 阿脆

◆ 054. Astrid W. 阿脆 / FB: Astrid’s Storytelling / IG: astrid4art


2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 053 陳怡揚 YiYang Chen

◆ 053. 陳怡揚 YiYang Chen / FB: B/S 故事集 / IG: s926142003


Born and raised in Hsinchu County. Found my own belief after journey to the world. Spend time doing sketches in temples and traditional festivals in Taiwan and try to combine taiwanese traditional belief with modern culture.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 052 嘰哩 Jily

◆ 052. 嘰哩 Jily / FB: 嘰哩 Jily / IG: j_i_l_yyyy_


2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 051 金玉水草平文創工作室 JYSCP Ciel

◆ 051. 金玉水草平文創工作室  JYSCP Ciel / FB: 金玉水草平文創工作室 JYSCP Ciel / IG: cielgc

於2020年改名為劉鈺萍,決定用新名字拆解重組為品牌《金玉水草平》,代表我自己。我的身體內住著兩個靈魂並想嘗試不同風格和不同議題。近期以體操選手兔子《CMY rabbit》來呈現這個繽紛的世界。

Changed its name to Liu Yuping in 2020, and decided to use the new name to disassemble and reorganize it into the brand “Jin Yu Shui Cao Ping”, representing myself.There are two souls in my body and I want to try different styles and different topics. Recently, this colorful world is presented with the gymnast rabbit “CMY rabbit”.