◆ 062. BLYTHE TSAI 布萊絲 / FB: Blythe Tsai / IG: toffee_and_eleni

布萊絲(Blythe Tsai),身兼大學兼任講師、中世紀英國文學研究者、繪者等斜槓身份。一人一貓生活實踐者。在英國進行研究訪問期間因緣際會學習版畫入門,開始密集以版畫創作,擅長凸板。目前計為兩本書籍配圖《老謝的臺灣紀行》(今周刊,2021)、《海獅說歐洲趣史》(圓神,2019)。絹印作品「毛茸茸的擁抱」展於「2018高雄灰灰基地美術館《抱抱》罐頭聯展」。
Blythe Tsai, adjunct lecturer / medievalist / printmaker. She used to study printmaking at Leeds College of Arts during her PhD research visit in the UK. She specialises in relief printmaking in particular and has been commissioned to make printmaking illustrations for two books, published respectively in 2019 and 2021. One of her screen-printing art works entitled “Fluffy Hug” was displayed in a joint exhibition at Huei-Huei Gallery in Kaohsiubg, 2018.