Archives 10 月 2020

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 tader_ 他/她的_

■ 23- tader_ 他/她的_


I was born in Tainan, spent half my life in Taichung and currently living in Taipei. After a quarter of my life, I got an epiphany that made me became inseparable with my pencil. I’m drawn to interpreting other people’s charm from a third person perspective. I don’t have great ambitions. I just want the world to know that we, too, have great stories in Taiwan, his and her story. tader__ (※Mandarin: His/Hers_)

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 SHI HAN 織品印花實驗室

■ 21- SHI HAN 織品印花實驗室

SHI HAN 織品印花實驗室


SHI HAN Fabric and Textile Printing Lab

I like to create drawings stacked with subtle brushstrokes and interlaced by images, with reflections of visual representation and whispering of stories on the second skin. Every product from SHI HAN fabric lab is one of a kind; fabric prints, embroideries and matchings of textiles are interwoven and born in the process of consecutive experiments.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 愛華華 AI-HUA-HUA

■ 20- 愛華華 AI-HUA-HUA

愛華華,台北,插畫設計自由工作者。2019炎炎夏日中個人品牌出生了,名為「愛華華 AI-HUA-HUA」。在熙熙攘攘的日子裡,插畫是一絲平靜;在平淡無奇的生活中,設計是激情彭湃。承認三分鐘熱度的我,只希望能自由地拿著畫筆到老。

AI-HUA-HUA, Born in Taiwan, she is a freelancer for graphic design and illustration.  Many artworks are inspired by movies, books, people and her own experiences. Illustration gives her inner peace during the messy days. Design is the passion of dull life. All she wants to do is keep drawing until old.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 A hui

■ 18- A hui




I like to draw cute things, but not too cute. Keep it a little weird.

For me, drawing pictures is a kind of expression. I would paint emotions that I usually don’t dare to say as stories, use landscape works to record the land I have stepped on, or sit quietly at the table and draw lively little roles.

I don’t stick to the same way of expression in every work. Sometimes lines and sometimes color blocks, I present myself in different aspects while retaining myself.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 鄰家草原linjagrass

■ 16- 鄰家草原linjagrass










The brand “Linjagrass” hopes to heal people and relieve their sadness through painting.

The first part of the brand name “linja” is derived from the illustrator’s name—Lin Jiarong.

The brand name also includes the word “grass” because the illustrator longs to leisurely lie on a grassland.

Some of Linjagrass’ works portray melancholy while some of them are about funny things in daily life.

On the grassland of Linjagrass, you will never know what the next work will be.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 鸚味 。日誌 Parrot Daylife

■ 12- 鸚味 。日誌 Parrot Daylife




Branding name is taken from the transliteration of “Because”.

“Because” of continue good things, we must infect life all the time.

The life diary is a descriptive recording method that can remember on people’s hearts.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 Eller Cariño Liu

■ 11- Eller Cariño Liu

Eller Liu









Eller Liu

A busy designer and a lazy artist.

A major crier.

Born and raised in Tainan, Taiwan.

Went to school in Birmingham and became an artist in London.

Currently lives in Taipei, Taiwan. 

Usually works with annoying watercolour

Starting to paint is as complicated as preparing a wedding for her

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 Allantsoustyle

■ 09- Allantsoustyle







Fashion illustrator-Allan Tsou

Allan Tsou is a professional artist from Taipei,

The most famous is her bold dash technique that combines color

Painting to depict her subject,

She has worked with several iconic fashion photographers,

And provide fashion sketch service for VIP/Celebrity

During the fashion show

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 Patty Tsai’s Illustration

■ 07- Patty Tsai’s Illustration

Patty Tsai 蔡貝桾。全職插畫家。擅長水彩、釉下彩。創作圍繞時尚、街拍、肖像及動物等主題。範疇涵蓋陶藝及壁畫。

學學文創志業約聘講師,曾與Chanel /Paul & Joe /新光三越/ 10/10 APOTHECARY/ 濕地venue 等單位合作,並接受人間衛視《創藝多腦河》第838集【清新暈染水彩霸氣動物】電視專訪。 

2020於濕地venue繪製大型壁畫並聯合主辦《LE MONDE DE PATTY》插畫陶藝個展。

Patty Tsai (Pei-chun Tsai). I am a full-time illustrator who specializes in watercolor and underglaze. My artworks revolve around fashion, street photography, portraits, and animals, and my art forms of choice are ceramic art and murals.

I am a part-time lecturer at Xue Xue Institute, and I have also collaborated with Chanel, Paul & Joe, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, 10/10 APOTHECARY, VENUE, and others. Also, I received an interview by Beautiful Life Television’s Super Artists Design, which was aired in the show’s 838th episode: “Fierce Animals in Fresh Watercolors”.

In 2020, I created large-scale murals at VENUE, and co-hosted LE MONDE DE PATTY, a solo exhibition featuring illustrations and ceramic art.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 朱緹 Dee Chu

■ 06- 朱緹 Dee Chu

身為一位兒時便會與鳥類對話的奇異的女子,Dee 是位插畫家、設計師,也是藝術創作者,作品不限於平面畫作,也積極嘗試不同媒材的可能性。插畫常以動物和自然為出發點,以超現實的手法結合人物及場景,試圖跳脫現實的框架。並多以對稱的構圖與重複性的印花,豐富的色彩和詼諧的故事性,展現其獨特繪畫風格。

An inquisitive mind that has been having conversations with birds since young, Dee is an illustrator, designer, and an all round creator with a diverse style.

Dee’s creation always start from her observations of animals and natural surroundings around her. Dee’s tendency to look beyond the confinement of reality allows her to approach her creations with rich patterns as well as a dashes of surrealism, merging and juxtaposing everyday objects with unlikely scenes.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 仿仿Imitate

■ 05- 仿仿Imitate



Hi, my name is QMo; I am a part-time creator; in addition to my full-time job, I like to do camera shooting, painting, and literature writing, so I want to combine all of these and interest and turn out to be some creation. at the moment, I would like to become a full-time illustration creator and I am working on it as my personal goal.

‘’Imitate’’ is an illustrated-diary type of story based on my personal living. The story is about what Mer experiences and finds in daily life, Mer travel through the fantasy world which is consist of mimic, Hopefully, she can puzzle up the complete herself through the record of the living. 

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 The Ashley Wang

■ 03- The Ashley Wang

我是台灣插畫家Ashley Wang,擅長用油性色鉛筆繪製手繪風的插畫。

喜愛將生活中的飲食及美好事物融入插畫中,並傳達思想及故事 。


I’m Ashley Wang, a Taiwanese illustrator, who likes to use oil based colored pencils to create illustrations.

I enjoy to draw food and beautiful things in life and transform my ideas and story into illustrations.

I hope to bring joy and inspiration to my viewers through my illustrations.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 Liu Moon Eater 小塯犬

■ 02- Liu Moon Eater 小塯犬




I’m Liu moon eater, a SOHO worker, illustrator also a furry. Furry is another kind of life for me. With a petite, night and moon color-like, a magical mind in my created world by painting, also wearing all different types of my favorite clothes. 

 Painting is not only my way of telling a world but also a process of releasing myself. I hope I can share these with everyone.

2020 台北插畫藝術節 第三批 展出名單 40位 公布

2020 台北插畫藝術節 第三批 展出名單 40位 公布

064. Havilland 赫維藍
065. 遛貓 walkthcatt
066. 身為少女 / As Shoujo
067. 草棉谷RONG(色票研究所)
068. 青年危機 Quarterlife Crisis
069. 李芷伊Jhihyi Li
071. 浪漫人
072. Fanko
073. 龍膏肓 (DRAGON MI)
074. 涂恩華 TUENHUA
075. ivchen
076. 寬片片/Kuanpianpian
077 .圖徑patternway
078. 咪某Meemaw
079. 金玉水草平 Ciel
080. 高全緯 KAO CHUAN WEI
081. 陳柏曄,Bo-Ye, Chen
082. 金大可giducker
083. andycheng
084. 鯨藍 Jing Lan
085. C.H.I
086. 廖翊丞 LIAO , YI – CHENG
087. 陳美聿(Lily Chen)
088. 江歆以 Judy River
089. Xiangyin/雁子夢 swallow dream
090. Joe Chen Art 陳興仲
091. 陳景容 Phoebe Chen
092. Bauyo Huang
093. 蔡靜雯 / Wenda Tsai
094. 黃皓謙
095. 林涵薇 Red Cyan
096. 陳芊諭, ChienYu Chen
097. 蕭宜審(Yi-Shen Hsiao
098. Tienntone /典
100. 宋乃宇
101. Huyu
102. 陳彥蓉,YAN JUNG – CHEN
103 . Yu-Ting The Goldfish

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 安妮的奇異星球插畫x靈性生活

■ 01- 安妮的奇異星球插畫x靈性生活



Established in 2014, this is a planet with illustrations combined with magic.

And I come from this special planet, there is my forest on the planet, my happiness, my friends. I want to share my illustration adventure story with you.