■ 07- Patty Tsai’s Illustration

Patty Tsai 蔡貝桾。全職插畫家。擅長水彩、釉下彩。創作圍繞時尚、街拍、肖像及動物等主題。範疇涵蓋陶藝及壁畫。
學學文創志業約聘講師,曾與Chanel /Paul & Joe /新光三越/ 10/10 APOTHECARY/ 濕地venue 等單位合作,並接受人間衛視《創藝多腦河》第838集【清新暈染水彩霸氣動物】電視專訪。
2020於濕地venue繪製大型壁畫並聯合主辦《LE MONDE DE PATTY》插畫陶藝個展。
Patty Tsai (Pei-chun Tsai). I am a full-time illustrator who specializes in watercolor and underglaze. My artworks revolve around fashion, street photography, portraits, and animals, and my art forms of choice are ceramic art and murals.
I am a part-time lecturer at Xue Xue Institute, and I have also collaborated with Chanel, Paul & Joe, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, 10/10 APOTHECARY, VENUE, and others. Also, I received an interview by Beautiful Life Television’s Super Artists Design, which was aired in the show’s 838th episode: “Fierce Animals in Fresh Watercolors”.
In 2020, I created large-scale murals at VENUE, and co-hosted LE MONDE DE PATTY, a solo exhibition featuring illustrations and ceramic art.