■ 10- MIYU 秘秘

從小到大對畫畫情有獨鍾的女子。20年了,仍然在這條路上努力堅持、向前輩們看齊著 !!!
As a girl who has been in love with painting for twenty years, I am still on this road making efforts and looking up to my seniors !!!
■ 10- MIYU 秘秘 從小到大對畫畫情有獨鍾的女子。20年了,仍然在這條路上努力堅持、向前輩們看齊著 ! […]
■ 10- MIYU 秘秘
從小到大對畫畫情有獨鍾的女子。20年了,仍然在這條路上努力堅持、向前輩們看齊著 !!!
As a girl who has been in love with painting for twenty years, I am still on this road making efforts and looking up to my seniors !!!