Archives 6 月 2018

▪︎ 2018台北插畫藝術節 徵件倒數43天! 一天一插畫家: Andy Rementer 安迪.瑞門特

▲ 2018台北插畫藝術節 徵件倒數43天!

‘ Andy Rementer 安迪.瑞門特 ‘


他豐富多彩和充滿活力的作品已經通過多種不同的媒體進行了報導,包括紐約時報,MTV,Urban Outfitters,紐約客,華納兄弟,Apartamento雜誌和創意評論。 他在歐洲,美國和澳大利亞舉辦過各種個展以及聯展,同時他也和很多不同的商業品牌有聯名合作。

#台北插畫藝術節 #2018TIF #TaipeiIllustrationFair #邀請參展者 #青春浮世繪 #插畫不只是插畫 #AndyRementer

第一屆 台北插畫藝術節

▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 邀請參展者:包大山 Baozi Chen

包大山 Baozi Chen

台北人,插畫工作與創作者。2009年開始與藝舍文具公司合作,以簡單可愛的少女系插畫與手寫文字的風格在文具市場受到矚目,眾多設計文具商品可見於全台各大書局文具店。後續接案類型也包括活動主視覺、書籍雜誌出版物 ,對象有台北當代美術館,台中文化局,飛人集社「超親密小戲節」活動主視覺,鄉間小路、小典藏、未來少年等雜誌插畫,也曾與暢談文化合作《誰來了》兒童繪本,接案類型多元。

#台北插畫藝術節 #2018TIF #TaipeiIllustrationFair #邀請參展者 #包大山 #BaoziChen #青春浮世繪 #插畫不只是插畫
第一屆 台北插畫藝術節


▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 邀請參展者:michun 葉依柔


藝術家簡介 |



個人網站 |

今年7月,michun也在自由人的邀請下,前往大阪ART COCKTAIL舉辦個展。如果在大阪或是展期內有在大阪的朋友們,歡迎前往看展喔!展覽資訊:

#台北插畫藝術節 #2018TIF #TaipeiIllustrationFair #邀請參展者 #葉依柔 #michun #青春浮世繪
第一屆 台北插畫藝術節


▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 邀請參展者:曾德瀚 Austin Tzeng

曾德瀚 Austin Tzeng
插畫家簡介 |

Engaged in design work and illustration to-date.
Austin Tzeng is fond of science-fiction and ancient civilization theme, astound by evolution and development of species and in turn transforming these perception into his creation. Upon completing his first artwork “Evolution”, elements of human and apes are often seen in his creations, in which he continues to pay attention to the things he cares as well as echoing his initial dream of making artwork.

個人網站 |
#台北插畫藝術節 #2018TIF #TaipeiIllustrationFair #邀請參展者 #曾德瀚 #AustinTzeng #青春浮世繪
第一屆 台北插畫藝術節


▪︎ 台北插畫藝術節 徵件倒數47天! 一天一插畫家:Gary Baseman

今天為大家介紹一位超現實商業插畫家─Gary Baseman

Gary Baseman是美國這幾年來產量最豐、人氣與跨媒介曝光度最高的藝術家之一,不管他創作什麼,似乎都能點石成金。沒受過正式美術教育的他,身跨報刊插畫、廣告、動畫、商品、玩具,是少數能自在發展個人特色而又能在商業與藝術間自在遊走的創作者,因此他稱自己的創作為「全面藝術」(Pervasive Art)。Baseman喜歡嘗試新媒介,致力創造「打破純藝術與大眾媒體之疆界分野的作品」,自承創作的出發點來自「欲望、渴求、性及無法觸及之美(unattainable beauty)」,最喜歡「……在愚蠢和聰明之間尋求平衡,在不被發現的情況下,偷偷把天才與蠢蛋的分界線抹糊掉。」

現年五十歲的Gary Baseman,插畫作品常見於美國各大平面媒體,畫作被華盛頓D.C.的國家肖像美術館和羅馬的當代美術館購入做為永久館藏;而另一方面他與迪士尼合作電視動畫影集《酷狗上學記》(Teacher’s P et ),三度贏得艾美獎,美國超人氣的益智遊戲Cranium圖像也出自他之手,近幾年更是個展聯展不斷。事實上早些年前Baseman的圖曾出現在本地黑松飲料的「鮮泡1222」易開罐上頭,去年他為宜蘭童玩節設計主要的視覺圖像與商品,如今許多台灣的年輕人則是透過設計師玩具 (designer toy或art toy)而迷上他。

Gary Baseman是個非常瘋狂的玩具收藏家,工作室內滿是二○、三○年代的老式組合玩具、木頭玩具,他的創作靈感常來自於此。Baseman近年來開始與玩具商合作,跨足小型玩偶的設計,目前為止玩偶作品有:一群戴著高帽被罰去牆角坐板凳的小狗小貓的〈Dunces系列〉抽玩,隨著新畫冊推出的限量粉紅色跛腳兔〈Dumb Luck系列〉,以及在宜蘭童玩節發表的五款〈水火兔系列〉等,最新玩偶作品則是七月在「聖地牙哥國際漫畫博覽會」上首賣的紅色小惡魔〈Hotchachacha系列〉。喜歡老廣告玩具,如米其林寶寶、老菲利貓玩具、Freddy Kilowatt等。基本上Gary Baseman將它們視為雕塑類的藝術品。另外,「像KAWS和Friends with You這些人,真是太棒了!」

如同村上隆和奈良美智等日本當代“Superflat”藝術家的作品同時結合可愛的卡通人物造型、色彩,跨越多種商業形式,Gary Baseman和Mark Ryden、Tim Biskup等美國當代藝術家也有類似的特徵,並同樣不拘泥於形式 Baseman筆下主角有許多可愛的小狗、小貓、雪人,但也同時結合了血淋淋的開膛剖肚、骷顱頭與三K黨等黑暗元素,畫作中同時呈現甜美、天真和殘酷,自成一派鮮明另類的風格美國藝術家Gary Baseman是插畫家也是設計師,自在遊走於商業與藝術之間,致力創造出「打破純藝術與大眾媒體間疆界分野」的「全面藝術」。


#台北插畫藝術節 #2018TIF #TaipeiIllustrationFair #青春浮世繪 #插畫不再只是插畫 #GaryBaseman

第一屆 台北插畫藝術節


▪︎ 台北插畫藝術節 讓「插畫不再只是插畫」徵件倒數49天!

對於插畫創作你有什麼既定的想法跟印象嗎?是報紙角落的一小塊插圖?還是書本小書的封面?這次插畫藝術節主視覺創作者川貝母,在今年初的時候在台中DALI ART國際藝術村駐村創作的期間,也首次將他的創作化做大型的立體作品!


作品位置:台中軟體園區 Dali Art藝術廣場

#台北插畫藝術節 #2018TIF #TaipeiIllustrationFair #川貝母 #青春浮世繪 #紅色的獸 #樹精與他們的朋友們

第一屆 台北插畫藝術節


▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 主視覺創作者:川貝母

台北插畫藝術節 徵件倒數50天!
今天為大家介紹今年台北插畫藝術節 主視覺創作者:川貝母
#台北插畫藝術節 #2018TIF #TaipeiIllustrationFair #川貝母 #青春浮世繪

▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 申請辦法 APPLICATION



第一屆 台北插畫藝術節 策展主題:「青春浮世繪 New age Ukiyoe」


” Illustration ” is a kind of artistic expression combining artistic creation and writing, non-language and language, and has the disseminative nature of “narrative” inner thinking.

” Taipei Illustration Fair ” will create an illustration art exhibition that is part of Taipei City and Taiwan’s local and international Illustration activity.

Freedom Men Art Team through the annual thematic curatorial solicitations, the works are presented to local and foreign illustration creators, and reward systems are designed to encourage and support illustration creation. we hope this fair of illustrations belonging to the city of Taipei has become a regular event held at a normal state. It will bring together outstanding illustrators to share the benefits of illustrations and promote the virtuous circle of illustrator industry. ” Illustration is not just illustration. ”

The 1st ” Taipei Illustration Fair ” Curatorial subject: “New Age Ukiyoe”

“Worldly life” refers to people living in the real world at this moment and various forms of life. It tells the floating and indefinite people, and it also extends to a hectic attitude toward life.

“Ukiyoe” is a form of painting art that derives from the human landscape and daily life. Many times, contemporary illustration creation is also portraying our present and society. When the new generation of illustrations and the classic “Ukiyoe”, in the form of the mutual influence of the content, the old and the new concepts overlap, what kind of new stimulus, impact and spark?


▲ 報名資格
▲ 報名方式
A 主題展區:青春浮世繪
B 其他不分區

線上申請 | 即日起至 2018.08.10(五)24:00 截止。
下載 報名表格PPT報名表格PDF,將報名資料以PDF和PPT兩種格式E-mail至。
▲ 展位尺寸及費用

A 類型 | 展出場地 120cm(L) X 120cm(W),含一組110V電源,四天展出費用 NT.7,000。
B 類型 | 展出場地+L展牆 120cm(L) X 120cm(W) X 220cm(H),含一組110V電源,展燈兩盞,四天展出費用 NT.14,000。
C 類型 | 展出場地+ㄇ展牆 120cm(L) X 120cm(W) X 220cm(H),含一組110V電源,展燈兩盞,四天展出費用 NT.18,000。

▲ 公佈入選名單
入選名單分3次公佈 | 2018.07.20(五), 2018.08.03(五), 2018.08.13(五)
主辦單位會個別寄出「入選通知」,請入選者務必以 E-mail 回覆確認、並於指定期限內繳交展位費用,以保留參展名額。
▲ 展前說明會
說明會時間 | 2018.08.25(六)14:00
說明會地點 | 松山文創園區 松菸創作者工廠 自由廣場(暫定)
▲ 相關展出日期時間
展覽日期 | 2018.09.06(四)- 2018/09/09(日)
開幕活動 | 2018.09.06(四)14:00 – 17:00 VIP嘉賓、媒體參觀時間, 18:30 – 20:00 插畫家交流之夜
佈展日期 | 2018.09.05(三)12:00 – 19:00
撤展日期 | 2018.09.09(日)19:00 – 21:00


▲ Registration qualification
Illustration creator under 35 years old, Nationality, creative categories, styles are not limited.
▲ Registration method
A- Curatorial subject: “New Age Ukiyoe”
B- Do not participate in the subject area

Online Apply, Deadline from today until 2018.08.10 24:00
Download the registration form PPT PDF and email the application PPT&PDF to
(After receiving the application, we will reply to confirm that the information is correct. Please pay attention to the receipt.)
▲ Booth Size and Fees

Type A :
Exhibition site 120cm(L) X 120cm(W), including a set of 110V power supply, NT.7,000 for four days.
Type B :
Exhibition site + L exhibition wall 120cm (L) X 120cm (W) X 220cm (H), including a set of 110V power supply, two lights, four days exhibition costs NT.14,000.
Type C :
Exhibition site + ㄇ exhibition wall 120cm (L) X 120cm (W) X 220cm (H), including a set of 110V power supply, two lights, four days exhibition fee NT.18,000.

Each applicant for the show has two work permits, including a 2018 Taipei Illustration Fair exhibitor catalog.
(The above type B and C type booths apply for more than two units, and after the application, individual confirmation of exhibition wall requirements)
▲ Announced the list of candidates
The list of candidates is announced in three releases
| 2018.07.20(Fri.), 2018.08.03(Fri.), 2018.08.13 (Fri.) After the 100 exhibitors have applied for the full amount, we will no longer accept the application.
Will be posted on the official website of Taipei Illustration Fair, FACEBOOK Fan Page
The organizer will send a “selection notice” to the individual. Please be sure to confirm the confirmation by E-mail and pay the booth fee within the specified time limit in order to retain the quota.
▲ Pre-show briefing
Explanatory meeting time | 2018.08.25 (Sat.) 14:00
Session Location | Songshan Cultural and Creative Park Songyan Creator Factory Freedom Square (tentative)
The organizer will hold an activity briefing before the exhibition, and will explain the event’s attention to the event and discuss the details of the exhibition. If you are unable to attend the day, you will be in the form of an E-mail letter and communicate to confirm the exhibition.
▲ Related exhibition date and time
Exhibition Date | 2018.09.06 (Thur.) – 2018/09/09 (Sun.)
Opening | 2018.09.06 (Thur.) 14:00 – 17:00 VIP Guests, Media Visit Time, 18:30 – 20:00 Illustrator Night
Exhibition Date | 2018.09.05 (Wed.) 12:00 – 19:00
Withdrawal Date | 2018.09.09 (Sun.) 19:00 – 21:00
(2018.09.06 (Thur.) activities are only invited to participate, not open to the public)

▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 問與答Q&A











Q:Why is there an age limit for registration?

A:Many people on this registration have such questions. The organizer will ask questions and answer to make a unified explanation.

The first “Taipei Illustrator Fair”, as an illustrator art exhibition in Taipei City, will be an annual theme curating manner, and also invites and invites local and foreign illustrator creators to exhibit their works. Therefore, in addition to the theme setting in the theme of “New age + Ukiyo-e”, this year, the “Taipei Illustrator Fair” is also expected to be the stage for more young generations of creators.

However, this time, through the inquiries of many exhibitors, we will adjust and revise the questions and suggestions put forward in the future.

But comparing the actual issue of age restrictions, there is actually a lot of possible for discussion. The age of the characters in the illustrated exhibitors’ illustrations? The age of the registration of the team of exhibitors? Registering the age of the curator? Age of registration agent? Welcome to the “Taipei Illustrator Fair”! As long as you want to participate, welcome to register, as long as you want to participate, you will find a way!

如有任何參展的疑問,歡迎來信至台北插畫藝術節信箱。信件主旨請註明相關問題。或是直接在台北插畫藝術節FB粉絲頁留言,我們都會盡快幫各位處理及回覆。Please contact us via email, FACEBOOK page or call if you have any further questions!

PHONE|0987-444-957 (10:00 – 21:00)

▪︎ 2018 Taipei Illustration Fair APPLICATION

” Illustration ” is a kind of artistic expression combining artistic creation and writing, non-language and language, and has the disseminative nature of “narrative” inner thinking.

” Taipei Illustration Fair ” will create an illustration art exhibition that is part of Taipei City and Taiwan’s local and international Illustration activity.

Freedom Men Art Team through the annual thematic curatorial solicitations, the works are presented to local and foreign illustration creators, and reward systems are designed to encourage and support illustration creation. we hope this fair of illustrations belonging to the city of Taipei has become a regular event held at a normal state. It will bring together outstanding illustrators to share the benefits of illustrations and promote the virtuous circle of illustrator industry. ” Illustration is not just illustration. ”

The 1st ” Taipei Illustration Fair ” Curatorial subject: “New Age Ukiyoe”

“Worldly life” refers to people living in the real world at this moment and various forms of life. It tells the floating and indefinite people, and it also extends to a hectic attitude toward life.

“Ukiyoe” is a form of painting art that derives from the human landscape and daily life. Many times, contemporary illustration creation is also portraying our present and society. When the new generation of illustrations and the classic “Ukiyoe”, in the form of the mutual influence of the content, the old and the new concepts overlap, what kind of new stimulus, impact and spark?



▲ Registration qualification
Illustration creator under 35 years old, Nationality, creative categories, styles are not limited.
▲ Registration method
A- Curatorial subject: “New Age Ukiyoe”
B- Do not participate in the subject area

Online Apply, Deadline from today until 2018.08.10 24:00
Download the registration form PPT PDF and email the application PPT&PDF to
(After receiving the application, we will reply to confirm that the information is correct. Please pay attention to the receipt.)
▲ Booth Size and Fees

Type A :
Exhibition site 120cm(L) X 120cm(W), including a set of 110V power supply, NT.7,000 for four days.
Type B :
Exhibition site + L exhibition wall 120cm (L) X 120cm (W) X 220cm (H), including a set of 110V power supply, two lights, four days exhibition costs NT.14,000.
Type C :
Exhibition site + ㄇ exhibition wall 120cm (L) X 120cm (W) X 220cm (H), including a set of 110V power supply, two lights, four days exhibition fee NT.18,000.

Each applicant for the show has two work permits, including a 2018 Taipei Illustration Fair exhibitor catalog.
(The above type B and C type booths apply for more than two units, and after the application, individual confirmation of exhibition wall requirements)
▲ Announced the list of candidates
The list of candidates is announced in three releases
| 2018.07.20(Fri.), 2018.08.03(Fri.), 2018.08.13 (Fri.) After the 100 exhibitors have applied for the full amount, we will no longer accept the application.
Will be posted on the official website of Taipei Illustration Fair, FACEBOOK Fan Page
The organizer will send a “selection notice” to the individual. Please be sure to confirm the confirmation by E-mail and pay the booth fee within the specified time limit in order to retain the quota.
▲ Pre-show briefing
Explanatory meeting time | 2018.08.25 (Sat.) 14:00
Session Location | Songshan Cultural and Creative Park Songyan Creator Factory Freedom Square (tentative)
The organizer will hold an activity briefing before the exhibition, and will explain the event’s attention to the event and discuss the details of the exhibition. If you are unable to attend the day, you will be in the form of an E-mail letter and communicate to confirm the exhibition.
▲ Related exhibition date and time
Exhibition Date | 2018.09.06 (Thur.) – 2018/09/09 (Sun.)
Opening | 2018.09.06 (Thur.) 14:00 – 17:00 VIP Guests, Media Visit Time, 18:30 – 20:00 Illustrator Night
Exhibition Date | 2018.09.05 (Wed.) 12:00 – 19:00
Withdrawal Date | 2018.09.09 (Sun.) 19:00 – 21:00
(2018.09.06 (Thur.) activities are only invited to participate, not open to the public)