Category 申請辦法 APPLICATION

2022 第五屆 台北插畫藝術節 徵件報名至7/5止

第五屆台北插畫藝術節 主題:時尚動物園 Fashion Zoo
2022.12.16 (Fri.) – 12.18 (Sun.)

2018 年,某國際知名精品服裝品牌於秋冬大秀上,邀請眾模特兒提著人頭,進行一場帶來視覺衝擊 既詭譎又精彩駭人的時尚展演。而這年恰巧為第一屆台北插畫藝術節:台灣在地常態型插畫展會的發源年。

「 不再一昧追求社會認同後,我們便能做真實的自己。」該場大秀鼓勵觀眾可以找到真正的自我與 風格、自在地做自己。呼應台北插畫藝術節的願景「 讓插畫不再只是插畫。 」台北插畫藝術節每年發掘多元、相異獨特的插畫風格,為創作者設立展演之平台作為團隊致力的目標,今年著重在時尚插畫的主題作為基調。

在 Web3.0 時代,大環境追求著「去中心化」、「降低成本」與「簡化流程」; 而在時尚產業中「快時尚系統」與「皮毛面料」造成的環境傷害,帶來的嚴重衝擊。造就了反方,支持「永續時尚」的大批群眾。 舉行至第五屆,如何永續地發展,又能在初衷不變之下,做出差異化並於求新求變 ? 若衣服為人類的包裝,褪去包裝之後我們剩下的是什麼?或許有天我們可能成為動物的「包裝」? 2022台北插畫藝術節邀請創作者以插畫、藝術創作表現不同的自我風格,追求深層的自我, 藉由「內在驅動力」不斷地省思及追求自我風格,透過插畫藝術在動物園中展現最真實、時尚的自己。


■ 展覽地點

■ 展覽日期
2022年12月16日 (五) – 12月18日 (日)  

■ 媒體嘉賓 VIP Day
2022年12月16日 (五) 12:00 – 14:00

■ 大眾展期
2022年12月16日 (五) 14:00 – 20:00
2022年12月17日 (六) 11:00 – 19:00  
2022年12月18日 (日) 11:00 – 19:00  

■  進場日期
2022年12月15日 (四) 11:00- 21:00
2022年12月16日 (五) 09:00- 12:00

■  撤場日期
2022年12月18日 (日) 19:00- 21:00

2022 TIF APPLICATION 報名連結 中文 PDF  

■ 報名連結 Registration Link:

■ Venue
Songshan Cultural and Creative Park-North Factory

■ Exhibition Dates
 2022.12.16 (Fri.) – 12.18 (Sun.)  

■ VIP Day
 2022.12.16 (Fri.) 12:00 – 14:00

■ Public Day
2022.12.16 (Fri.) 14:00 – 20:00 

2022.12.17 (Sat.)  11:00 – 19:00
2022.12.18 (Sun.) 11:00 – 19:00

■  Move-in
2022.12.15 (Thurs.) 11:00- 21:00
2022.12.16 (Fri.) 09:00- 12:00

■  Move-out
2022.12.18 (Sun.) 19:00- 21:00

■ 兩階段報名
第一階段|2022.05.09 (一) – 2022.06.01 (三)
第二階段|2022.06.10(五)  – 07.05(二)

■ 公佈入選名單
入選名單分兩次公佈|2022.06.10 (五), 2022.07.05(四)

1. 主辦單位會個別寄出「入選通知」,請入選者務必以 E-mail 回覆確認
2. 請於指定期限七天內繳交展位費用、參展保證金3,000元,以保留參展名額

2022 TIF APPLICATION 報名連結 中文 PDF  

■Two-stage  application
Stage 1 |2022.05.09 (Mon.) – 2022.06.01 (Wed.)
Stage 2 |2022.06.10(Fri.)  – 07.05 (Tue.)

■ Selected Announcement Flow
Announcement Timetable|2022.06.10 (Fri.), 2022.07.05 (Thurs.)
(The exhibitors will be selected in sequential order due to the first-to-file rule. When 100 exhibitors are selected, organizer will not receive any other application.)

1. The organizer will send “Selected Announcement” via email individually. Please reply the organizer when you receive the e-mail.
2. Please pay the booth rates and exhibition deposit (NT. 3,000) in 7 days according to the payment date to keep your eligible of exhibition.
 3. Selected Exhibitors will be announced on the website and Facebook. 
(FB: )

■ 主辦單位: 台北插畫藝術節
■ 聯絡信箱:
■ Facebook: @TIFTAIWAN
■ Instagram: tiftaiwan
■ 官網:
■ Organizer: Taipei Illustration Fair
■ Contact E-mail:
■ Facebook: @TIFTAIWAN
■ Instagram: tiftaiwan
■ Website:

■ 報名連結 Registration Link:


?TIF 編 : 你知道 #2019第二屆台北插畫藝術節,有多少人來參觀嗎 ?
總共有 #5257人 以上,參與2019 第二屆台北插畫藝術節~
?TIF 編 : 你也曾參加過 2019 第二屆台北插畫藝術節 嗎?
歡迎來底下留言,和TIF 編分享 活動照片 或是 觀展心得 ?
【 2021第四屆台北插畫藝術節 】
?️展覽日期|2021年12月10日(五) – 12月12日(日)
?️展覽地點|#松山文創園區 #SCCPTaipei #北向製菸工廠
?️主辦單位|#自由人藝術公寓 #FreedomMenArtApartments
報名資訊 |


?TIF 編 : 你知道 #2019第二屆台北插畫藝術節,一共有多少創作者參與嗎 ?
總共有 #120組 創作者與品牌共同響應2019 第二屆台北插畫藝術節~
?TIF 編 : 你也是 2019 第二屆台北插畫藝術節的參與創作者/品牌嗎?
快來底下留言告訴TIF 編 ???
【 2021第四屆台北插畫藝術節 】
?️展覽日期|2021年12月10日(五) – 12月12日(日)
?️展覽地點|#松山文創園區 #SCCPTaipei #北向製菸工廠
?️主辦單位|#自由人藝術公寓 #FreedomMenArtApartments
報名資訊 |

? #2021TIF插畫市集X誠品南西 【徵攤】

?️ 活動時間:
2021 / 10 / 18 (Mon) – 10 / 31 (Sun)
11:00 – 22:00
?️ 地點:誠品生活南西
(台北市中山區南京西路14號 )
?️ 報名表單連結: (已更新)
? 【 2021TIF插畫市集X誠品南西 | 活動介紹 】




2021TIF 主題為「封面故事」,
打造獨特的 #封面故事 ,
藉由 14 天插畫市集活動共同實踐
#插畫藝術大眾化 之願景。


2020 TIF APPLICATION 台北插畫藝術節 徵件報名辦法

第三屆台北插畫藝術節,將以「 誰, 是誰的, 誰?」為策展主題。


身份是自我的標籤, 而認同是一個選擇的過程。 身份的認同會因歷史、文化和政治各種因素而改變。但人與人的關係也何嘗不是呢?每個人的自我身份認同,是有多少種不同建立的可能性? 是透過怎麼方式去建立跟對照?透過討論社會,家庭,性別,性取向…等等,我們人與人之間的關係究竟是怎麼一回事呢?我們可以透過創作去展現出人與人之間的關係?

The 3rd Taipei Illustration Fair
Curatorial subject: ” I am, who are you? “

” Who am I ? Who are you ? I am who are you ? “

Through this question of “who” ? Trying to take a bystander, third-person perspective of the self. Hope to discuss how everyone Self-identity. And what about the relationship between oneself and others ? How can illustration creators presents the possibilities of identity and relationship in various aspects in the form of illustrations ? ” Illustration is not just illustration. “

Identity is the label of the self, and identification is a process of selection. It will change due to various factors such as history , culture and politics. How many different establishment possibilities are there for each person’s self-identity ? How is it used to establish and contrast ? Through discussing society , family , gender , sexual orientation , etc. What kind of relationship between me, You and him/her ?

■ 報名資格:插畫創作者,國籍、創作類別、風格不限。
■ Registration qualification:Illustration creator , Nationality, creative categories, styles are not limited.

■ 報名方式:線上申請 | 即日起至 2020.09.30(三)24:00 截止。
■ Registration method:Online Apply, Deadline from today until 2020.09.30(wed) 24:00

■ 報名連結 Registration Link:

■ 展區將會分成三種選擇:

A. 策展主題區:創作內容符合討論人、身份、形象與關係的,皆可申請。
B. 似顏繪互動展區:創作內容形式只要是肖像繪製,或是結合各種與觀眾互動的插畫展出計畫,皆可申請。
C. 不分類展區:沒有任何插畫主題與展出的限制設定,皆可申請。

每個申請展出者有兩張工作證, VIP票卷兩張, 一般票卷四張,含一本2020年展出者畫冊。今年除了展區之外的額外硬體需求,皆拆開登記申請付費使用,請提前確認無法現場臨時追加,畫冊也是。

■ The exhibition area will be divided into three part:

A. Curatorial subject area:
Applications can be applied if the content of the creation matches the portrait, identity and relationship.

B. Portrait interactive exhibition area:
As long as the creative content format is portrait drawing, or a combination of various illustration exhibition projects that interact with the audience, you can apply.

C. Freedom subject exhibition area:
There are no restrictions on the subject of illustration and exhibition, and all applications can be applied.

Each applicant for exhibitors has two work permits, two VIP tickets, four general tickets, and an exhibition catalog of 2020 exhibitors. This year, all the extra hardware requirements besides the exhibition area will be opened for registration and paid for use. Please confirm in advance that it is not possible to temporarily add on-site.

■ 相關日程時間:

公眾展出日期 | 2020.12.04(五)14:00-20:00
| 2020.12.05(六)10:30-20:00
| 2020.12.06(日)10:30-19:00
媒體嘉賓預覽 | 2020.12.04(五)12:00-14:00
進場佈展日期 | 2020.12.03(四)12:00-21:00
| 2020.12.04(五)09:00-12:00
撤場撤展日期 | 2020.12.06(日)19:00-21:00

■ Related exhibition date and time
Exhibition Date | 2020.12.04 (Fri.) 14:00-20:00
| 2020.12.05 (Sat.) 10:30-20:00
| 2020.12.06 (Sun) 10:30-19:00
VIP & Media | 2020.12.04 (Thur.) 12:00-14:00
Install Date | 2020.12.03 (Thur.) 12:00-21:00
| 2020.12.04 (Fri.) 09:00-12:00
Uninstall Date | 2020.12.06 (Sun) 19:00-21:00

■ 公佈入選名單:

入選名單分3次公佈 | 2020.09.11(五), 2020.09.25(五), 2020.10.09(五)

主辦單位會個別寄出「入選通知」,請入選者務必以 E-mail 回覆確認、並於指定期限七天內繳交展位費用、參展保證金,以保留參展名額。

The list of candidates is announced in three releases | 2020.09.11(Fri), 2020.09.25(Fri), 2020.10.09(Fri)
After the 100 exhibitors have applied for the full amount, we will no longer accept the application.
Will be posted on the official website of Taipei Illustration Fair, FACEBOOK Fan Page
The organizer will send a “selection notice” to the individual. Please be sure to confirm the confirmation by E-mail and pay the booth fee within the specified time limit in order to retain the quota.

▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 申請辦法 APPLICATION



第一屆 台北插畫藝術節 策展主題:「青春浮世繪 New age Ukiyoe」


” Illustration ” is a kind of artistic expression combining artistic creation and writing, non-language and language, and has the disseminative nature of “narrative” inner thinking.

” Taipei Illustration Fair ” will create an illustration art exhibition that is part of Taipei City and Taiwan’s local and international Illustration activity.

Freedom Men Art Team through the annual thematic curatorial solicitations, the works are presented to local and foreign illustration creators, and reward systems are designed to encourage and support illustration creation. we hope this fair of illustrations belonging to the city of Taipei has become a regular event held at a normal state. It will bring together outstanding illustrators to share the benefits of illustrations and promote the virtuous circle of illustrator industry. ” Illustration is not just illustration. ”

The 1st ” Taipei Illustration Fair ” Curatorial subject: “New Age Ukiyoe”

“Worldly life” refers to people living in the real world at this moment and various forms of life. It tells the floating and indefinite people, and it also extends to a hectic attitude toward life.

“Ukiyoe” is a form of painting art that derives from the human landscape and daily life. Many times, contemporary illustration creation is also portraying our present and society. When the new generation of illustrations and the classic “Ukiyoe”, in the form of the mutual influence of the content, the old and the new concepts overlap, what kind of new stimulus, impact and spark?


▲ 報名資格
▲ 報名方式
A 主題展區:青春浮世繪
B 其他不分區

線上申請 | 即日起至 2018.08.10(五)24:00 截止。
下載 報名表格PPT報名表格PDF,將報名資料以PDF和PPT兩種格式E-mail至。
▲ 展位尺寸及費用

A 類型 | 展出場地 120cm(L) X 120cm(W),含一組110V電源,四天展出費用 NT.7,000。
B 類型 | 展出場地+L展牆 120cm(L) X 120cm(W) X 220cm(H),含一組110V電源,展燈兩盞,四天展出費用 NT.14,000。
C 類型 | 展出場地+ㄇ展牆 120cm(L) X 120cm(W) X 220cm(H),含一組110V電源,展燈兩盞,四天展出費用 NT.18,000。

▲ 公佈入選名單
入選名單分3次公佈 | 2018.07.20(五), 2018.08.03(五), 2018.08.13(五)
主辦單位會個別寄出「入選通知」,請入選者務必以 E-mail 回覆確認、並於指定期限內繳交展位費用,以保留參展名額。
▲ 展前說明會
說明會時間 | 2018.08.25(六)14:00
說明會地點 | 松山文創園區 松菸創作者工廠 自由廣場(暫定)
▲ 相關展出日期時間
展覽日期 | 2018.09.06(四)- 2018/09/09(日)
開幕活動 | 2018.09.06(四)14:00 – 17:00 VIP嘉賓、媒體參觀時間, 18:30 – 20:00 插畫家交流之夜
佈展日期 | 2018.09.05(三)12:00 – 19:00
撤展日期 | 2018.09.09(日)19:00 – 21:00


▲ Registration qualification
Illustration creator under 35 years old, Nationality, creative categories, styles are not limited.
▲ Registration method
A- Curatorial subject: “New Age Ukiyoe”
B- Do not participate in the subject area

Online Apply, Deadline from today until 2018.08.10 24:00
Download the registration form PPT PDF and email the application PPT&PDF to
(After receiving the application, we will reply to confirm that the information is correct. Please pay attention to the receipt.)
▲ Booth Size and Fees

Type A :
Exhibition site 120cm(L) X 120cm(W), including a set of 110V power supply, NT.7,000 for four days.
Type B :
Exhibition site + L exhibition wall 120cm (L) X 120cm (W) X 220cm (H), including a set of 110V power supply, two lights, four days exhibition costs NT.14,000.
Type C :
Exhibition site + ㄇ exhibition wall 120cm (L) X 120cm (W) X 220cm (H), including a set of 110V power supply, two lights, four days exhibition fee NT.18,000.

Each applicant for the show has two work permits, including a 2018 Taipei Illustration Fair exhibitor catalog.
(The above type B and C type booths apply for more than two units, and after the application, individual confirmation of exhibition wall requirements)
▲ Announced the list of candidates
The list of candidates is announced in three releases
| 2018.07.20(Fri.), 2018.08.03(Fri.), 2018.08.13 (Fri.) After the 100 exhibitors have applied for the full amount, we will no longer accept the application.
Will be posted on the official website of Taipei Illustration Fair, FACEBOOK Fan Page
The organizer will send a “selection notice” to the individual. Please be sure to confirm the confirmation by E-mail and pay the booth fee within the specified time limit in order to retain the quota.
▲ Pre-show briefing
Explanatory meeting time | 2018.08.25 (Sat.) 14:00
Session Location | Songshan Cultural and Creative Park Songyan Creator Factory Freedom Square (tentative)
The organizer will hold an activity briefing before the exhibition, and will explain the event’s attention to the event and discuss the details of the exhibition. If you are unable to attend the day, you will be in the form of an E-mail letter and communicate to confirm the exhibition.
▲ Related exhibition date and time
Exhibition Date | 2018.09.06 (Thur.) – 2018/09/09 (Sun.)
Opening | 2018.09.06 (Thur.) 14:00 – 17:00 VIP Guests, Media Visit Time, 18:30 – 20:00 Illustrator Night
Exhibition Date | 2018.09.05 (Wed.) 12:00 – 19:00
Withdrawal Date | 2018.09.09 (Sun.) 19:00 – 21:00
(2018.09.06 (Thur.) activities are only invited to participate, not open to the public)

▪︎ 2018 Taipei Illustration Fair APPLICATION

” Illustration ” is a kind of artistic expression combining artistic creation and writing, non-language and language, and has the disseminative nature of “narrative” inner thinking.

” Taipei Illustration Fair ” will create an illustration art exhibition that is part of Taipei City and Taiwan’s local and international Illustration activity.

Freedom Men Art Team through the annual thematic curatorial solicitations, the works are presented to local and foreign illustration creators, and reward systems are designed to encourage and support illustration creation. we hope this fair of illustrations belonging to the city of Taipei has become a regular event held at a normal state. It will bring together outstanding illustrators to share the benefits of illustrations and promote the virtuous circle of illustrator industry. ” Illustration is not just illustration. ”

The 1st ” Taipei Illustration Fair ” Curatorial subject: “New Age Ukiyoe”

“Worldly life” refers to people living in the real world at this moment and various forms of life. It tells the floating and indefinite people, and it also extends to a hectic attitude toward life.

“Ukiyoe” is a form of painting art that derives from the human landscape and daily life. Many times, contemporary illustration creation is also portraying our present and society. When the new generation of illustrations and the classic “Ukiyoe”, in the form of the mutual influence of the content, the old and the new concepts overlap, what kind of new stimulus, impact and spark?



▲ Registration qualification
Illustration creator under 35 years old, Nationality, creative categories, styles are not limited.
▲ Registration method
A- Curatorial subject: “New Age Ukiyoe”
B- Do not participate in the subject area

Online Apply, Deadline from today until 2018.08.10 24:00
Download the registration form PPT PDF and email the application PPT&PDF to
(After receiving the application, we will reply to confirm that the information is correct. Please pay attention to the receipt.)
▲ Booth Size and Fees

Type A :
Exhibition site 120cm(L) X 120cm(W), including a set of 110V power supply, NT.7,000 for four days.
Type B :
Exhibition site + L exhibition wall 120cm (L) X 120cm (W) X 220cm (H), including a set of 110V power supply, two lights, four days exhibition costs NT.14,000.
Type C :
Exhibition site + ㄇ exhibition wall 120cm (L) X 120cm (W) X 220cm (H), including a set of 110V power supply, two lights, four days exhibition fee NT.18,000.

Each applicant for the show has two work permits, including a 2018 Taipei Illustration Fair exhibitor catalog.
(The above type B and C type booths apply for more than two units, and after the application, individual confirmation of exhibition wall requirements)
▲ Announced the list of candidates
The list of candidates is announced in three releases
| 2018.07.20(Fri.), 2018.08.03(Fri.), 2018.08.13 (Fri.) After the 100 exhibitors have applied for the full amount, we will no longer accept the application.
Will be posted on the official website of Taipei Illustration Fair, FACEBOOK Fan Page
The organizer will send a “selection notice” to the individual. Please be sure to confirm the confirmation by E-mail and pay the booth fee within the specified time limit in order to retain the quota.
▲ Pre-show briefing
Explanatory meeting time | 2018.08.25 (Sat.) 14:00
Session Location | Songshan Cultural and Creative Park Songyan Creator Factory Freedom Square (tentative)
The organizer will hold an activity briefing before the exhibition, and will explain the event’s attention to the event and discuss the details of the exhibition. If you are unable to attend the day, you will be in the form of an E-mail letter and communicate to confirm the exhibition.
▲ Related exhibition date and time
Exhibition Date | 2018.09.06 (Thur.) – 2018/09/09 (Sun.)
Opening | 2018.09.06 (Thur.) 14:00 – 17:00 VIP Guests, Media Visit Time, 18:30 – 20:00 Illustrator Night
Exhibition Date | 2018.09.05 (Wed.) 12:00 – 19:00
Withdrawal Date | 2018.09.09 (Sun.) 19:00 – 21:00
(2018.09.06 (Thur.) activities are only invited to participate, not open to the public)