▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 問與答Q&A












Q:Why is there an age limit for registration?

A:Many people on this registration have such questions. The organizer will ask questions and answer to make a unified explanation.

The first “Taipei Illustrator Fair”, as an illustrator art exhibition in Taipei City, will be an annual theme curating manner, and also invites and invites local and foreign illustrator creators to exhibit their works. Therefore, in addition to the theme setting in the theme of “New age + Ukiyo-e”, this year, the “Taipei Illustrator Fair” is also expected to be the stage for more young generations of creators.

However, this time, through the inquiries of many exhibitors, we will adjust and revise the questions and suggestions put forward in the future.

But comparing the actual issue of age restrictions, there is actually a lot of possible for discussion. The age of the characters in the illustrated exhibitors’ illustrations? The age of the registration of the team of exhibitors? Registering the age of the curator? Age of registration agent? Welcome to the “Taipei Illustrator Fair”! As long as you want to participate, welcome to register, as long as you want to participate, you will find a way!

如有任何參展的疑問,歡迎來信至台北插畫藝術節信箱。信件主旨請註明相關問題。或是直接在台北插畫藝術節FB粉絲頁留言,我們都會盡快幫各位處理及回覆。Please contact us via email, FACEBOOK page or call if you have any further questions!

EMAIL|2018tif@gmail.com, info@2018tif.com
PHONE|0987-444-957 (10:00 – 21:00)

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