Archives 11 月 2020

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 七瀬 Nanase

■ 49-七瀬 Nanase


We are unique ,but not along.To be a creator. I try comics, words, photos, pictures, illustrations to say stories.I wish that may warm your hearts.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 蕭伊珊 Esther Xiao

■ 48-蕭伊珊 Esther Xiao


Melancholy emotions in life are always deeper than happiness. It does not make people ups and downs, but the impact is long-lasting and far-reaching. This is an emotion in the gray zone that makes us sad, but can also make us grow and progress. It owns by everyone. So I like to put a bit this color in my creation, with a little mysterious and surreal style.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 張梓鈞 Tzu-Chun Chang

■ 47-張梓鈞 Tzu-Chun Chang


Chun is an freelance illustrator with an MA in Children’s book illustration. Her work mainly focuses on human relationships and socio-political issues, she enjoys playing with metaphors and leave space for people to interpret. Her aim is to tell stories about difficult subjects in an approachable and empathetic way.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 Yihan Lee illustration

■ 46-Yihan Lee illustration



It is interesting that people sometimes characterize me as harsh and serious because of my straight face. I am actually a warm person and I happen to enjoy day dreaming as part of my process in observing my surroundings. I have discovered painting to be my medium self-communication.

Although I did not receive proper art training until just recently, I am truly intrigued by hand drawing with acrylic, oil pastel, and watercolor. I identify best with childlike painting style, and my digital drawings are presented with vivid colors and simplistic geometrical patterns.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 Via Wu

■ 45-Via Wu

Via Wu


Born in 1995, Taiwan, graduated from Academy of Art University with a MA in Illustration. Throughout her education in arts she experimented with different fields in arts to find her place and eventually landed in illustrations. Via currently specialize in drawing female characters with determination in their eyes. They way she uses different colors and elegant lines to create drawings will make you wonder what is the story behind each girl.Aside from arts Via is also very passionate in fashion, she incorporates the inspirations from the fashion world into her creations.Each girl in Via’s drawing has a completely different story, just like girls all around us, using beauty as their armor to march on and chase their dreams.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 Rung Sheng Chou|Illustration

■ 44-Rung Sheng Chou|Illustration


I graduated from MA Illustration at AUB. My recent works are mostly about women. I usually create digital illustration with a simple, flat and colourful style. I love drawing portraits and body image, and I present gender issues through my artworks.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 芸森 Yun-sen

■ 43- 芸森 Yun-sen







“In this forest, nothing is strange, everything can happen.”

Hello, this is Yun-Sen’s illustration forest,

Through images and words , convey all kinds of feelings about inner life,

It’s like a mirror, reflecting the deepest state of the heart,

May everyone watching my creation,

There can be a place to put the wounded soul.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 針葉林

■ 42-針葉林 


The name is a homonym of my real name, drawing illustrations and doing graphic design.I also expect myself to create vitality and creativity like a forest.It can also give people a feeling of warmth and healing like nature.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 FENCY

■ 41-FENCY  


FANCY has the meaning of imagination and love, combining with oneself.The name FEN came out of FENCY, I hope it can be shipped.Use your imagination and creativity to convey beauty and warmth.Warm energy for everyone.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 張淯琛

■ 40-張淯琛





My Role Models: 陳澄波、小磯良平、岸田劉生、手塚治虫、劉小東、坂本繁二郎、Lucian Freud、Peter Paul Rubens、楊德昌、小津安二郎

When I was little, I drew everything.Now I only draw faces. 

Your face

is also my face.

This journey is not yet finished.

My Role Models: 陳澄波、小磯良平、岸田劉生、手塚治虫、劉小東、坂本繁二郎、Lucian Freud、Peter Paul Rubens、楊德昌、小津安二郎

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 多肉人物Chubbyman

■ 39-多肉人物Chubbyman

作者Amber 肉肉 有著一個熱愛畫畫的靈魂,幾乎每一天都會提起筆創作,曾經是遊戲公司的美術,某一天突然想到很遠的澳洲打工度假尋找自己要的生活模樣 ,2015年回國後決定專注於插畫的創作至今,最喜歡小老頭這個古怪角色,頂著禿頭帶著靦腆可愛的微笑,像我們身邊無處不在的大叔。

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 SHUMA

■ 38-SHUMA

在台北長大,於國立臺南大學視覺藝術設計系畢業,目前在美國生活並進行自由創作中。作品圍繞著自己的幻想世界,裡面有著各種千奇百怪的生物與植物 ,而這些小生命在這世界裡建立起許多不同的文明與社會。藝術家Shuma就如同這些世界的觀察者,記錄著這世界的變化與成長。

Taipei is the city where I grew up. I received my BFA in visual art and design from the National University of Tainan. In the past three years, I have been working and living in the United States as a freelance artist. I am very much inspired by my surroundings and I often like to mix what is happening around me with imagination. In my creative and imaginary world, there are various fictional plants and animal species forming their systems of living.The artist, Shuma, records all the growth and activities in that world as an observer.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 靜賞插畫工作室

■ 36-靜賞插畫工作室


靜賞Jingshang, literally means “to watch quietly”, has a similar pronunciation with “Mr./Mrs. Chen” in Japanese, “Jin San”. This represents a thing that brings her joy — observing visitors viewing her works quietly.Since Jingshang loves creating art with different materials and various styles, she believes there are more than one style for an artist. As how a person’s personality changes as time goes by, each character she created has its own distinctive characteristic and view of world.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 《搖滾似顏繪NIGAORECORD》 by lakubox

■ 35-《搖滾似顏繪 NIGAO RECORDS》 by lakubox

我是駱乃康(IG: @lakubox),本業是平面設計師,《搖滾似顏繪 NIGAO RECORDS 》 是我的創作計劃之一。計劃源自個人對逛唱片行和繪畫的熱愛,想透過唱片結合似顏繪的形態和大家分享逛唱片行的快樂,以及和經典專輯交換靈魂的荒謬歡樂感。讓插畫不只是插畫、唱片不只是唱片。走進《搖滾似顏繪 NIGAO RECORDS 》,來一場難忘的沉浸式體驗。

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 yanruummi

■ 34- yanruummi


Graduating from the Department of Advertisement, I have been working for years in visual design.Through the illustrations show the inner world of self.Monsters are my connection to this age.It is a shape without a shape, the appearance of a world without a face.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 imaginary j illustration

■ 32- imaginary j illustration

imaginary j illustration


 imaginary j illustration

That emotional little illustrator. A little freak that doesn’t want to be defined.Likes the misunderstood, the misfits, the weirdos.Specializes in hand drawn illustration.

Loves watercolor painting.Artworks are mostly inspired by different feelings and emotions.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 胖比製造所 Chubby BÉBÉ

■ 31- 胖比製造所 Chubby BÉBÉ 




Are you done with the hustle and bustle of the city? Are you done with the ups and downs of the life?  Keep going , dribs and drabs.  Keep moving , little by little.All cute daily routines, let us accompany you and enjoy every moment.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 LILIZ ART


藝術工作者,現為Liliz Art手感日常工作室主理人,主要從事教學展演、委託畫作訂製、手繪設計、品牌活動及商業合作。都市工作闖蕩多年,現落腳在喧囂城市與靜謐鄉野的交界,將繪畫融入日常之中,時而灑脫、時而優雅。創作以水彩及壓克力多媒材延伸為主,擅長描繪時尚人物與自然花卉,以細膩與俐落的筆法,勾勒女性都會生活的姿態。曾個展於台中黑白切藝文空間、台北厭式會社等展演空間,並與國立臺北藝術大學、響ART合作授課,商業部份《500輯》刊物封面、珠寶盒法式點心坊、AOHATA 9 等插畫合作。

The founder of LILIZ ART, mainly engaged in performing arts, commission customized paintings, designing illustration, brand events, and business cooperation.Passionate in teaching and painting, specialized in watercolor and acrylic creation. My works major in painting fashion portraits and flowers, with exquisite and neat drawing, outline the women in city’s posture.I had solo exhibitions at Black Blank Gallery, and The Misanthrope Society. Besides, I had an illustration collaboration with “500 times” publication, boîte de bijou and AOHATA 9 as well as teaching cooperating with TNUA & Xiang Art.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 Do-dou 毒島

■ 29-Do-dou 毒島


Painting is my favorite in life!Painting represents my life, I use a pen to describe my life!The reality of life coexists with me, I use paintings to express my passion for the world.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 保羅七號 PaulSeven

■ 28-保羅七號 PaulSeven

保羅七號 PaulSeven,奇幻風格的插畫家,喜歡用日常的生活當作題材,發現生活中的魔法。這個世界比我們想像中的還要大,充滿許多未知的事物,儘管是我們早已經習慣的日常,只要還在呼吸的一天,都有我們不知道的事情正在發生。所以我永遠不會停止對世界的想像,也是對未知生活的嚮往。我相信生活中有很多我們看不見卻能感受到的事物,像是生活中的情緒、腦子裡的夢境,還有對未知的各種想像,這些都是我們的魔法,深深連結於我們的生活,也是我創作的靈感。在我的故事宇宙裡有一間魔法商店,販賣著情緒煩惱還有跟魔法有關的任何商品。我覺得生活就像是魔法商店,永遠不知道裡面還會有什麼。

I’m PaulSeven, a Taiwanese fantasy illustrator. I love discovering magic in daily life and making art for it.The world is much bigger than we thought. Things happen every day even if no one knows. I will never stop my illusions about the world. I believe that there are so many things we can’t see but can feel. Like the emotions , the dreams, and the illusions about mystery. These feelings are our magic connected to our life.There is a magic store in my story, selling ‘emotions’ and anything magical. Life is not only a box of chocolate, but also like a magic store, you never know what you gonna get.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 江瓴安Ling-An Jiang

27-江瓴安Ling-An Jiang

江瓴安Jiang Ling An,畢業於實踐大學服裝設計系,曾任服裝設計師,於2019年致力於藝術插畫創作。從小習舞習畫,養成了一副天馬行空及古靈精怪的筋骨。總是渴望在變動中尋求安定,安定中尋求變動,也喜歡觀察環境與人之間的對話。繪畫風格擅長幾何分割,且將物品在虛實之間作轉換。

Ling-An Jiang, graguated from Shih Chien University with a bachelor degree in fashion design. Used to be a activewear designer, she devoted her time to artistic creation and illustration because of the passion for painting . She is cultivated good sense of art by painting and dancing since her childhood and it make her creative and clever-minded. Due to her life expenrience, she always likes to seek stable in changing situation and also seek flexible thinking as the settled life. Ling-An’s paintings emphasize geometry design for objects to divide pictures and make the objects various between virtual and reality.

2020 TIF 徵件藝術家 Selfish Illustration

26-Selfish Illustration


She majored in Literature in college. She loves painting as much as writing, just as she loves fictions as much as poetry. In the spring of 2019 she began to draw poems and exploring different ways of putting poems down with painting strokes.