藝術工作者,現為Liliz Art手感日常工作室主理人,主要從事教學展演、委託畫作訂製、手繪設計、品牌活動及商業合作。都市工作闖蕩多年,現落腳在喧囂城市與靜謐鄉野的交界,將繪畫融入日常之中,時而灑脫、時而優雅。創作以水彩及壓克力多媒材延伸為主,擅長描繪時尚人物與自然花卉,以細膩與俐落的筆法,勾勒女性都會生活的姿態。曾個展於台中黑白切藝文空間、台北厭式會社等展演空間,並與國立臺北藝術大學、響ART合作授課,商業部份《500輯》刊物封面、珠寶盒法式點心坊、AOHATA 9 等插畫合作。
The founder of LILIZ ART, mainly engaged in performing arts, commission customized paintings, designing illustration, brand events, and business cooperation.Passionate in teaching and painting, specialized in watercolor and acrylic creation. My works major in painting fashion portraits and flowers, with exquisite and neat drawing, outline the women in city’s posture.I had solo exhibitions at Black Blank Gallery, and The Misanthrope Society. Besides, I had an illustration collaboration with “500 times” publication, boîte de bijou and AOHATA 9 as well as teaching cooperating with TNUA & Xiang Art.