■ 57-小畫+7 LittlePainter7

1992年出生於臺北,臺灣。油畫創作為主。而會有細密畫(Miniature Painting)作品發展,原因是於2017至2019留學期間,往返臺灣與英國之間,對生活環境變遷的反覆描寫。視覺上,作品轉化波斯細密畫(Persian Miniature Painting)的視覺表現;結合東方文化的繪畫元素,呈現徘徊於現實與幻想之間的島嶼風景。
簡歷: 2019查爾斯王子傳統藝術學院 M.A. 2020國立臺灣藝術大學 M.F.A. 2014國立臺北藝術大學 B.F.A 典藏: 2019 英國查爾斯王子殿下收藏(HRH Prince Charles),典藏於鄧弗里斯故居(The Dumfries House),蘇格蘭,英國 藝術合作: 2019 大英博物館(British Museum)幾何木質花窗協作,英國 2019《SPEY MAGAZINE ISSUE》雜誌採訪,倫敦,英國 駐村: 2016 洛代夫(Lodève), 蒙庇利埃(Montpellier),法國 獎學金贊助: 2017《Harvey’s of Edinburgh International Ltd The Spey Whisky》獎學金
Born in Taipei, Taiwan in 1992. Miniature Painting was developed during the period of study abroad from 2017 to 2019. The content of the work depicts the living environment between Taiwan and Britain. The work transforms the visual expression of Persian Miniature Painting and combines the visual elements of Eastern painting to present a series of mysterious islands. EDUCATION: 2019 Prince’s School of Traditional Arts(PFSTA), M.A. 2020 National Taiwan University of Arts(NTUA), M.F.A 2014 Taipei National University of Arts (TNUA), B.F.A NATIONAL COLLECTIONS: 2019 HRH Prince Charles, The Dumfries House, Scotland, UK ART COOPERATION PROGRAMME: 2019 British Museum, London, UK 2019《SPEY MAGAZINE ISSUE》Interview, London, UK ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE PROGRAM: 2016 Galerie d’Art Décoration (Ô Marches du Palais), Lodève, Hérault, France SCHOLARSHIP: 2017《Harvey’s of Edinburgh International Ltd The Spey Whisky》