■ 56-不由而乐 Spontaneous Joy

Joy Shen,自由插畫家,業餘設計師,偶爾拼布創作人;新竹人,現居上海。喜歡用威士忌配吳竹墨水筆度過一夜。
Melody Hsieh 來自於紐約,台灣和上海的平面設計師,插畫家和零食專家。業餘臉書朵朵愛Buy 家的直播主。是個比佛利山莊嬌妻真人秀的忠實粉絲。
Joy Shen, a freelance illustrator, not a professional designer, sometimes a patchwork artist; came from Hsinchu, now lives in Shanghai. Enjoy the night with whisky and Kuretake ink brush
Melody Hsieh is a graphic designer, illustrator, and snack expert based in New York, Taiwan, and Shanghai who is a huge fan of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reality TV show.