報名方式 How to apply 2023

2023 台北插畫藝術節 「玄之又玄 」6th Taipei Illustration Fair- Mystery Of Occult
12.08 (Fri.) – 12.10 (Sun.)
OPEN CALL until 6.30 止

「 我們總追尋著光明,期望它能引領我們到嚮往之處。 」我是誰 ? 我是什麼?「 智慧的第一要點是辨別哪些是假的,第二點才是知道哪些是真的。」- 教父坦修斯



“We always look for the light, hoping it will lead us to where we want to be. “ Who am I? What am I?

In our search for hidden knowledge and self, we blindly pursue the light and happiness at the end of the tunnel through various methods and channels. The essence of occultism discusses the nature of matter and things.

Just as the Taipei Illustration FAIR curates and discusses different themes every year, The ultimate goal is still FOCUS ON the creators and their WORKS. When we are well-fed and well-clothed, than we will search for our superego, and struggle to satisfy our desires. When the mind and body are spiritually rich, then we further explore the “spirit”, which is the “unknown mystery world” of the self.

The 6th Taipei Illustration FAIR uses illustration as a medium to lead people to explore the ” Occult “. In fact, what we seek for “Occult” is only THE “hidden knowledge”. Through the illustration, we combine four major fields in occult : cosmology, mysticism, prediction and magic; presenting them with common divination, tarot cards, magic, psychological tests, etc. Let illustration not just illustration!



■ 展覽地點:松菸文創園區_北向製菸工廠
■ 展覽日期:2023年12月08日 (五) – 12月10日 (日)  
■ 媒體嘉賓:2023年12月08日 (五) 12:00 – 14:00
■ 大眾展期:2023年12月08日 (五) 14:00 – 20:00, 12月09日 (六), 12月10日 (日) 11:00 – 20:00  
■ 進場日期:2023年12月07日 (四) 13:00- 21:00, 12月08日 (五) 09:00- 12:00
■ 撤場日期:2023年12月10日 (日) 20:00- 22:00

2023 TIF APPLICATION 報名辦法 中文 PDF  

■ 報名連結 Registration Link:https://forms.gle/YnpusX5UxHXypX9g6

■ Venue:Songshan Cultural and Creative Park-North Factory
■ Exhibition Dates:2023.12.08 (Fri.) – 12.10 (Sun.)  
■ VIP & MEDIA:2023.12.08 (Fri.) 12:00 – 14:00
■ Public Day:2023.12.08 (Fri.) 14:00 – 20:00 , 12.09 (Sat.) – 12.10 (Sun.) 11:00 – 20:00
■  Move-in:2023.12.07 (Thurs.) 13:00- 21:00, 2023.12.08 (Fri.) 09:00- 12:00
■  Move-out:2023.12.10 (Sun.) 20:00- 22:00

■ 兩階段報名:早鳥報名優惠9折|2023.05.22 (一) – 2022.05.30 (二)
第一階段|2023.06.01 (四) – 2023.06.15 (四)
第二階段|2022.06.16(五)  – 06.30(五)

■ 公佈入選名單:入選名單分兩次公佈|2023.06.15 (四), 2023.07.06(四)

1. 主辦單位會個別寄出「入選通知」,請入選者務必以 E-mail 回覆確認
2. 請於指定期限七天內繳交展位費用、參展保證金3,000元,以保留參展名額
3.入選名單將公佈於台北插畫藝術節官方網站及粉絲專頁 www.facebook.com/TIFTAIWAN

2023 TIF APPLICATION 報名辦法 中文 PDF  

■ 報名連結 Registration Link:https://forms.gle/YnpusX5UxHXypX9g6

■Two-stage  application
Stage 1 |2023.06.01 (Thurs.) – 2022.06.15 (Thurs.)
Stage 2 |2023.06.15(Fri.)  – 06.30 (Fri.)

■ Selected Announcement Flow
Announcement Timetable|2023.06.15 (Thurs.), 2023.07.06 (Thurs.)
(The exhibitors will be selected in sequential order due to the first-to-file rule. When 100 exhibitors are selected, organizer will not receive any other application.)

1. The organizer will send “Selected Announcement” via email individually. Please reply the organizer when you receive the e-mail.
2. Please pay the booth rates and exhibition deposit (NT. 3,000) in 7 days according to the payment date to keep your eligible of exhibition.
 3. Selected Exhibitors will be announced on the website and Facebook. (FB: www.facebook.com/TIFTAIWAN )



■ 主辦單位: 台北插畫藝術節
■ 聯絡信箱: 2018tif@gmail.com
■ Facebook: @TIFTAIWAN
■ Instagram: tiftaiwan
■ 官網: http://tif.freedom-men.com
■ Organizer: Taipei Illustration Fair
■ Contact E-mail: 2018tif@gmail.com
■ Facebook: @TIFTAIWAN
■ Instagram: tiftaiwan
■ Website: http://tif.freedom-men.com

■ 報名連結 Registration Link:https://forms.gle/YnpusX5UxHXypX9g6