◆ 076. 9867 LAB / IG: 9867lab

9867LAB ,庚子年夏末的新店溪旁孕育出來的玖捌陸柒工作室,由藝術家 Nani 與設計師 4hsuan 所成立。創作領域跨足藝術與設計,喜歡嘗試以不同媒材創作,包含平面繪畫,攝影、插畫與捏陶。擅長創造出獨特的寧靜自然空間氛圍,以熟練的筆觸與色塊組合勾勒出想表達的故事畫面,似夢非夢,介於真實和幻想之間的穿插。歡迎大家的光臨!
9867LAB is a studio by artist Nani and designer 4hsuan in 2020. We create works both in art and design, and the creations include painting, photography, illustration, and pottery. We have a great interest in manufacturing with different materials and our characteristic is distinct atmosphere of quiet nature. You are more than welcome to surf here, somewhere between reality and imagination, like a dream yet not, with the scenes made up of strokes and color blocks, in which our story is told.