■ 89-Xiangyin/雁子夢 swallow dream

「雁子夢」(Swallow Dream)是我的品牌名稱,來自我的舊名。英文是燕子中文是雁子,希望如雁子般乘著夢想飛得高遠、又像燕子一樣別忘記回家的路。
Hi!I’m XiangYin.It is a pseudonym I used over than 10 years in little embarrassed but full of memories, so I can’t throw away and I keep this name until now.
「雁子夢」(Swallow Dream) is my personal brand’s name from my older name. It’s a paronomasia brand’s name in Chinese and English. In English it means swallow. In Chinese,it means wild goose.「雁子夢」(Swallow Dream) is means I hope my dreams can ride the wild goose to fly high and far away,but still like the swallow never forget how to get the way home.
I like to draw,but I don’t want to just always hire by some one else to draw. So I decided to be a freedom creator restart in 2020.And draw what I really want to draw by illustration and tell you the story what I want to tell by comic,and do the thing what I most favorite and want to do.