■ 88-river run.

在紡織產業打滾多年,之前從事織品設計,現在是畫畫的人,遊走於印花與插畫之間,喜歡山林、 喜歡動物,某次閱讀了歐文瓊斯的《紋飾法則》得到啟發,迷戀各種紋樣及印花,以自然作為織品印花的素材,結合紋飾裝飾風格,或對稱性或連續性的排列組合,用色多為明亮豐富,2020年夏天剛成立個人品牌”river run.”。印花以外,偶有詼諧富趣味的實驗性小作,作品多為描繪旅行的風景或日常。
印花作品 : https://www.instagram.com/riverrun_scarf/
更多作品 : https://www.behance.net/judyriver
Working in the textile industry for several years, I specialize in textile design, also addicted to drawing. In 2020 summer, an emerging personal brand “river run” begins.An illustrator who fascinated by nature and creature, occasionally inspired by Owen Jones’s the grammar of ornament, obsessed with all kinds of patterns and prints, and utilizing natural as foundation of the surface pattern. Merge ornament into the design and arrange it in symmetric or continuous ways which are bright and rich. Create experimental works sketching days in traveling, once in a while.