◆ 011. InkSundae/ IG: inksundae

生活充滿著各種可能性與變化,由 InkSundae 的小故事,你可能看到平日忽視了的事物、未曾發現的自我內心、或是找到解決煩惱的啟發。當我們更了解自己,不論是美好的還是黑暗的,我們才能繼續向前走。 InkSundae 希望以小小的塗鴉,替你辛勞的日子注入一點能量。
Life is full of possibilities and variations. Through the stories of InkSundae, you may see this fabulous world from a slightly different view. The more we understand ourselves, no matter it is bright or dark, the more we can move forward. InkSundae would like to fuel you up like a refreshing sundae, with some tiny doodles.