◆ 010.猴人魚Monkey Mermaid / FB:猴人魚 / IG:monkey_mermaid_

喜歡把畫面塞滿,在細節中藏巧思,想讓他人在畫面裡找故事。透過生活中的各種靈感與經歷,經由插畫創作,轉換成天馬行空的有趣故事。 雖然生活忙碌的一成不變,但繪畫為我的生命填上了豐富的色彩。我喜愛繪畫,且會一直畫下去。
I like to put a lot of details and passion into my creation. Each piece of my artwork has stories hidden inside its frame. Illustration for me is a process and is really fun and interesting. I turn my ordinary daily life into surreal pieces of work through illustration, and the progress always add colours back into my life. I enjoy being an illustrator and will definitely continue drawing and painting to put more meanings into the world.