2019 亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair 邀請藝術家 AIF Invited Artists
◉ 牛木匡憲 Masanori Ushiki(日本 Japan)

2019 亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair Open call 徵件至 6/30 (上海寶龍美術館) 倒數最後兩天!!
亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair
2019 亞洲插畫藝術節 邀請藝術家 Invited Artists
◉ 牛木匡憲 Masanori Ushiki(日本 Japan)
1981年出生於日本新瀉縣,目前居住東京。2004年畢業於武藏野美術大學,曾在文具製造商和網絡製作公司工作。現在是插畫家和藝術家。他受到漫畫、動畫和特攝片啓發,創作以多樣數位體及類比呈現。每個作品的視覺表達,從幽默到時尚方面,都與時事及媒體有關。Ushiki 擅長於捕捉漫畫、動畫、特攝片及結合這些元素,創造幻想世界里的生物,可以吸引到人的目光及觸發笑點。同時,複雜的線條及鮮艷色彩,呈現出優雅卻又荒謬的作品。

Born in Niigata Prefecture, Japan, in 1981, Masanori Ushiki resides in Tokyo. After graduating from Musashino Art University drawing school, he worked for a stationery company, a web production company, and eventually found himself as an illustrator and artist. Ushiki has created a diverse body of digital and analog work informed by Manga, Anime and 「Tokusatsu」 genres. Each visual expression, ranging from the humorous to the fashion-inclined, is tailored to the times and media of today. Ushiki is a rising star with the ability to capture aspects of anime, manga or Tokusatsu (live-action anime) and to re-mix these elements into a fantasy world of creatures that delight the eye and tickle the senses. Equally so, his sophisticated linework and colorful palette captures the preposterous with a complex elegance.
IG: ushikima
IG: ushikimasanori

2019 亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair Open call 徵件至 6/30 (上海寶龍美術館)
Application Deadline| June.30.2019 (23:59, China Standard Time)
#亞洲插畫藝術節 #上海寶龍美術館 #自由人藝術公寓 #AsiaIllustrationFair #徵件 #2019aif #AIF #opencall #illustration #freedommenart #MasanoriUshiki#牛木匡憲