2019 亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair 邀請藝術家 AIF Invited Artists
◉ Kyle Skor(美國 United States of America)

2019 亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair Open call 徵件至 6/30 (上海寶龍美術館)
亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair
2019 亞洲插畫藝術節 邀請藝術家 AIF Invited Artists
◉ Kyle Skor(美國 United States of America)
Kyle Skor(生於1983年,聖保羅,明尼蘇達州)是美國插畫家和圖畫書作者。 近年來,他在亞洲生活和旅行,最近在韓國、中國大陸和台灣工作。 通過豐富多彩、重復且看似簡單的圖像,他著眼於解決個體心理學及其在時間、空間、文化和其他變量中的過渡的問題。 他最近將佛教思想與極簡、詩意的文本和抽象的幾何形式結合在一起,他還試圖為世代焦慮帶來世俗的冥想狀態。 由Ying Gallery代理,他正在為即將在德國、日本和韓國舉辦的個展創作繪畫作品,此外還有一部關於「泡泡人」的小說,神話般的人物,多年來一直在他的畫作中反復出現。

Kyle Skor (b. 1983, Saint Paul, MN) is an American illustator and picture book author. In recent years he has lived and travelled extensively in Asia, most recently working in South Korea, Taiwan, and China. With colorful, repetitive, and seemingly simple iconography, he looks to address issues surrounding individual psychology and its transitions through time, space, culture, and other variables. Recently incorporating Buddhist thought with minimal, poetic text & abstract geometric forms, he also seeks to conjure secular meditative states for Generation Anxiety. Represented by Ying Gallery, he is working on paintings for upcoming solo shows in Germany, Japan, and Korea, in addition to an graphic novel about ‘Bubble People’, fictional, mythological-seeming characters which have been recurring in his paintings for years.
IG: kyleskor
2019 亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair Open call 徵件至 6/30 (上海寶龍美術館)
Application Deadline| June.30.2019 (23:59, China Standard Time)
報名網址 Link:http://www.asiaillustrationfair.com/application
#亞洲插畫藝術節 #上海寶龍美術館 #自由人藝術公寓 #AsiaIllustrationFair #徵件 #2019aif #AIF #opencall #illustration #freedommenart #kyleskor