插畫、產品包裝、海報視覺、CI(企業識別)皆為其擅長的設計領域。為第一位榮獲日本插畫家協會全場大獎的台灣人,並曾被CREATIVE QUARTERLY 雜誌評選全球100位最值得推薦的插畫家。他善於將台灣在地元素融入創作,充滿玩味細節又帶有一點復古的設計風格,讓他在數年內陸續獲得德國紅點、日本插畫協會和紐約、倫敦、比利時等近40項國際大獎。近期正在籌備他的第二本繪本。
Graphic designer & illustrator. He is good at integrating Taiwan’s elements in his work, full of playful details and retro style. The 1st Taiwanese won the GRAND PRIX JIA Illustration, and also won 5 Red Dot design awards、Adobe achievement awards、Joseph Binder Awards、ASPaC Tokyo、A’design Award Milan、Pentawards Brussels、3×3 New York、Creative Quarterly 41、Golden Pin Concept Award、Platinum Creativity International 45th、Licc London shortlist、FJ art plus Beijing and CHOSEN WINNER AI34, etc.