▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 邀請參展者:劉經瑋 Devours Bacon

插畫、產品包裝、海報視覺、CI(企業識別)皆為其擅長的設計領域。為第一位榮獲日本插畫家協會全場大獎的台灣人,並曾被CREATIVE QUARTERLY 雜誌評選全球100位最值得推薦的插畫家。他善於將台灣在地元素融入創作,充滿玩味細節又帶有一點復古的設計風格,讓他在數年內陸續獲得德國紅點、日本插畫協會和紐約、倫敦、比利時等近40項國際大獎。近期正在籌備他的第二本繪本。

Graphic designer & illustrator. He is good at integrating Taiwan’s elements in his work, full of playful details and retro style. The 1st Taiwanese won the GRAND PRIX JIA Illustration, and also won 5 Red Dot design awards、Adobe achievement awards、Joseph Binder Awards、ASPaC Tokyo、A’design Award Milan、Pentawards Brussels、3×3 New York、Creative Quarterly 41、Golden Pin Concept Award、Platinum Creativity International 45th、Licc London shortlist、FJ art plus Beijing and CHOSEN WINNER AI34, etc.

▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 邀請參展者: 黃湘 Hunag-Shiang

黃湘,現為[ 慢熟 WORKROOM ]插畫家。台灣,高雄人,國立雲林科技大學視覺傳達設計系畢業。習慣複合媒材手繪後上機結合繪圖軟體,以慢而入味的節奏畫事,溫潤勾勒生活的風景,把小事放大,所有小事都是故事。Huang-xiang, is now an illustrator of WORKROOM. Born and raised in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Graduated from the Department of Visual Communication Design of YunTech. He is an illustration designer, and he makes illustration and graphic design. Accustomed to use graphics software after hand-painting the multiple material. He works out the scenes in his life with a slow, emotional pace. Every little thing is a story that could be an artwork for him.


▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 邀請參展者: 吳騏 57

五七,插畫藝術家,創作風格奇幻,色彩繽紛、層次豐富, 擅長將插畫藝術與商業設計結合, 合作出版品,商品設計,主視覺形象設計等等, 參與台灣許多插畫展覽及藝術創作, 跨界品牌聯名設計,表現插畫藝術多元化。

Chi-Wu (57), an illustrator, known for his dreamlike, colorful, multi-layered style. He is an expert in combining illustration art with commercial design, co-publishing, product design, key visual design, etc. He has been participated in many illustration exhibitions and cross-domain co-brand designing, showing the diversity of illustration art.

▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 邀請參展者: 阿蕉 BaNAna Lin

本名林彥良, 台中人,就讀於東海大學景觀學系,研究所開始專攻平面插畫設計,畢業於國立雲科大創意生活設計所,目前身兼自由插畫工作者、玩具收藏家、品牌設計師及雲科大創設系聘請業師。自2006年2月成立手創品牌BaNAna,是個起緣於台灣創意市集的自創品牌,並於2012年5月正式轉型發表插畫品牌-「BaNAna Lin 阿蕉」。作品多以童趣、幽默詼諧的風格讓人印象深刻。合作過的客戶包括:沖繩伊藤園、交通部觀光局、台灣國立美術館、遠傳電信、華納音樂、金格食品、龍情花生、新光三越…等等,是個喜歡跨領域設計的創作人。

BaNAna Lin, named Yan-liang Lin ( 1987- ) , focus on professional design , illustration and toy collector. Hand brand of BaNAna was established since February 2006. This brand was from Taiwan Creative Marketplace. And transform to illustration brand- 『BaNAna Lin 阿蕉』 in May, 2012. Most of works are playful and humorous that was impressive. He was majored in Landscape Architecture, Tunghai University and focused on illustration from graduate institute. Graduated from Dept. of Creative Design, National YunTech Grad School. Now, he is a free-lancer, brand designer and the Dept. of Creative Design lecture in YunTech. Worked with clients including : ITO EN, LTD. 、The Tourism Bureau of Taiwan、National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts、Warner Music Taiwan、KONIG, LTD.、SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHI DEP. STORE CO., LTD…. and so on , And he is a creator who loved Interdisciplinary design.


▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 邀請參展者: 黑青 Black and Blue Cosmos

黑青 Black and Blue Cosmos

「黑青Black and Blue Cosmos」是一結合平面、立體、虛擬、真實、靜態、動態的系列創作,以墨汁及原子筆繪成的圖像為原型,再透過3D、2D、AR、影像等形式,表演再各種載體及媒介之上。誕生於2018年5月,至今走過越南、台南、台北、廣洲、德國漢堡、非洲肯亞等地。在展演的過程中透過多種媒介的展示,再以繪畫的活動與各地的小朋友及觀眾互動,透過各種視覺的表現形式走入日常生活。

Black and Blue Cosmos is a series of creation combined with graphic, solid, virtuality, reality, static state and dynamic. From the prototype of image drafted with ink and pen, the creation was processed by 3D, 2D, and AR technology before demonstrated on all kinds of media and carrier. Created in May, 2018, Black and Blue Cosmos has traveled through Vietnam, Taipei, Tainan, Guangzhou, Hamburg and Kenya to date. Demonstrated on all kinds of media, it interacted with local children with drawing activities, integrated into our everyday lives via all kinds of visual demonstration.

▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 邀請參展者:趙安玲 Annlin Chao

現居倫敦工作的台灣獨立動畫影像導演,為西雅圖短片影展以及休士頓國際影展動畫獎得主。她擅長設計影像風格,編製與導演將故事轉化為數位動畫和超寫實藝術。除了動畫影像,她的作品還延伸至裝置設計以及表演藝術。目前她主要在倫敦發展,過去合作單位包括英國電視公司Channel4, 唐寧茶, 樂團Delta, Heavy, 歌手Tom Rosenthal以及台北故宮。

Annlin Chao is an award-winning film and animation director based in London and Taiwan. She has been working on experimental materials, extending the boundaries between art, animation, and moving images. She specializes in design-driven projects that combine physical material with digital animation, transforming abstract concepts into collage and surreal sense of visual arts. Her works also ranging from video art to performance and installation. Currently, she’s a freelance director, focusing on directing work in London, clients include Channel 4, National Palace Museum Taiwan, Twinings, and music brand Sub Pop…etc.

▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 邀請參展者:黃鈺博 Norman

2018 台北插畫藝術節 邀請參展者:黃鈺博 Norman

創作者簡介 |
Norman, 本名黃鈺博

個人網站 |
#台北插畫藝術節 #2018TIF #TaipeiIllustrationFair #邀請參展者 #黃鈺博 #Norman #青春浮世繪 #插畫不只是插畫
第一屆 台北插畫藝術節


▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 邀請參展者:倪嘉隆 Nio Ni

倪嘉隆 Nio Ni
創作者簡介 |

個人網站 |
Facebook:Hi Nio / https://www.facebook.com/hi.nio/
#台北插畫藝術節 #2018TIF #TaipeiIllustrationFair #邀請參展者 #倪嘉隆 #NioNi #青春浮世繪 #插畫不只是插畫
第一屆 台北插畫藝術節


▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 邀請參展者:包大山 Baozi Chen

包大山 Baozi Chen

台北人,插畫工作與創作者。2009年開始與藝舍文具公司合作,以簡單可愛的少女系插畫與手寫文字的風格在文具市場受到矚目,眾多設計文具商品可見於全台各大書局文具店。後續接案類型也包括活動主視覺、書籍雜誌出版物 ,對象有台北當代美術館,台中文化局,飛人集社「超親密小戲節」活動主視覺,鄉間小路、小典藏、未來少年等雜誌插畫,也曾與暢談文化合作《誰來了》兒童繪本,接案類型多元。

#台北插畫藝術節 #2018TIF #TaipeiIllustrationFair #邀請參展者 #包大山 #BaoziChen #青春浮世繪 #插畫不只是插畫
第一屆 台北插畫藝術節


▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 邀請參展者:michun 葉依柔


藝術家簡介 |



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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michun2010
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mich_un
Behance: https://www.behance.net/michun

今年7月,michun也在自由人的邀請下,前往大阪ART COCKTAIL舉辦個展。如果在大阪或是展期內有在大阪的朋友們,歡迎前往看展喔!展覽資訊:https://www.facebook.com/events/1479891048822946/

#台北插畫藝術節 #2018TIF #TaipeiIllustrationFair #邀請參展者 #葉依柔 #michun #青春浮世繪
第一屆 台北插畫藝術節