2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 020 YiJie Chen 陳依婕

◆ 020. YiJie Chen 陳依婕 / FB:YiJie Chen 陳依婕/ IG:yijiechen.art

YiJie Chen (陳依婕) 是一位榮獲國際獎項肯定的自由職業插畫師。因抵擋不了對於創作的浪漫衝動,而走上大器晚成的藝術創作一途。她於英國愛丁堡藝術學院取得插畫碩士學位。作品描繪著形色個性鮮明的人物,透過其肢體與表情絲毫地流露情感。遊樂園般歡樂的用色與場景描述著後資本主義下人淪為商品本身。偏好自然媒材的筆觸質地與電繪的交織結合。作品於世界各地展出。

YiJie Chen is an award winning freelance illustrator from Taiwan. She graduated from Edinburgh College of Art in Scotland, with a MFA in Illustration. Her works express an evocative tone of distinctive surrealism with delicate textures of line and colour. She enjoys making images with a juxtaposition of tranquility and richness, rationality and emotion. Her works are joyful as the colors and scenario in amusement parks, while they creepily talk about people become products in the post-consumerism.

2021 TIF 徵件藝術家 006 耶 yeah studio

◆ 006.耶 yeah studio  /FB: Yeah studio /IG: yeahzstudio

WOOSAH!yeah studio是我在地球的太空車,我常藉由它享受這個世界尋找有趣又酷的人事物,再利用自己的畫筆轉換成有趣多面向的故事,呈現在大家眼前希望讓喜歡的人都能擁有,也想在短暫的生命裡留下一點自己的痕跡。如果有收聽到這則留言請努力記得我並且趕緊搭上我的太空車一起體驗…#$%^&*…我創造有趣又怪奇的新宇宙…

“Yeah Studio” being my Earth spaceship, always helps me, explore the world and some interesting stuff. After that, turning these experiences into many multi-faceted stories, which will be presented to the public and for those who adore also possess. I wonder to leave my footprint and record every step of my short life. If you hear this message, please try to remember me and get on my ship enjoying together… #$%^&*… I create a new and mind blown universe…