■ 95-Red Cyan

Psychedelic , Saturated , Rainbow , Gradient , Liquify .
Red Cyan 林涵薇 (Han-wei, Lin)。全職藝術家。擅長插畫與數位藝術。創作圍繞漸層、高飽和色彩、迷幻及抽象等也創作數位拼貼主題。插畫擅長使用彩色墨水與複合媒材。
曾在法國巴黎舉辦個展《Cosmic Voyeur 宇宙窺視者》結合多媒體與裝置藝術,跳脫二維度空間創作。未來也將不停止這股創作能量,繼續前進!
The Intro
林 涵薇 Han-wei, Lin (Red Cyan) (b.1991)
2014 Collaborated on T-shirt design with fashion designer Alex S. Yu
2015 Collaborated with music studio Noise Studio
2016 Featured in “Making the Cut, Vol. 1” (Crooks Press)
2016 Interview with Polysh, Taipei
2016 Solo exhibition, I AM A CURIOUSIST, Taipei (喚醒內心的赤子 X 花疫室)
2016 T-shirt collaboration with Alex S. Yu featured in Vogue UK
2016 Collaborated on skateboard design with studio Diseñadores de Mundos
2016 Attended “Surprise Mistake” Domaine de Boisbuchet workshop with Henrik Vibskov
2017 Solo exhibition , Cosmic Voyeur (宇宙窺視者), SometimeStudio, Paris
2020 Featured in “Karbn Magazine : Sketchbook 4 ”
2020 Solo exhibition , “The desert of the twilight ” Illustration Fair ,Voyage Cafe, Taichung