■ 84-Jing Lan 鯨藍

Jing 鯨,熱愛動植物等大小事議題的藝術家也是一位印花設計師。涉及藝術設計廣泛背景。創作多以自然花卉及動物形態美和顏色為靈感來源,插畫作品敘述對於動物與生活的情感感受。崇尚自然生命力與生活中的小確幸。時尚印花,單純想將自然美融入人文生活。用色較鮮明活潑,畫面氣氛繽芬愉悅,細節筆觸為細緻沈澱,玩配色構圖為藝術創作日常,創作使用數位媒材及水彩。
Jing is an artist who is passionate about all things botanical, floral and wildlife. She is a pattern designer with a broad background in Art & Design. Her work is inspired from the forms and colours of plants and animals in the natural world. Each of her illustrations tells its own story with characters that conjure a bright feeling of life. She advocates natural vitality and happiness from the little things in life. For Jing, patterns are a way for her to bring more of the world’s natural beauty into life. Her colours are bright and vivid. The painting’s atmosphere conveys joyful reverence. The detail is meticulous. She enjoys to play with colours and composition in her art work, creating art via digital media and water colour painting.
Jing Lan 插畫/平面設計師於倫敦&台北發展。於2017年前往倫敦發展並於kingston University主修插畫碩士,同時經營插畫品牌持續創作。顯著創作風格是以自然的美與野生動物為靈感主題。非常重視動物保育議題,創造生動的花卉及生物並保有好奇心敘述故事融入生活。後於倫敦時尚品牌擔任設計師,帶著她的插畫動植物們開啟時尚印花設計師人生。
Jing Lan is an illustrator and designer based in London and Taipei. She started her own illustration brand after attaining her master’s degree from Kingston University, London in 2017. Her signature illustration style focuses on natural beauties with wild animals. She values wildlife, conservation issues and telling a story via her illustrations. After working for a luxury fashion brand in London, she started creating her own patterns as a surface pattern designer with her beautiful and unique animal illustrations.