■ 80-喂,wei

喂,wei是weiweiboy 台灣插畫創作者, 於2012年開始在facebook上發表的創作品牌, 在2013年正式開始插畫創作者的身份接案, 已累積14萬粉絲也有和各大知名廠商合作的案例, 出版過兩本書籍和各式商品,也繼續籌備其他書籍與商品 2016年開始以『Have you smiled today』 這個主題出發, 想借著插畫角色“喂喂”訴說『你今天微笑了沒」的各種圖文, 用插畫讓深陷低潮的人們,再度用微笑站起來。
Wei wei the smiley elf is a character created by Taiwanese illustrator weiweiboy, who has over 140,000 fans on social media. The character was first released on Facebook Fan page in 2012. weiweiboy started his professional illustration career officially in 2013, and had worked with governments, various domestic and overseas leading companies since then. In 2016, He decided to share his thoughts through one simple core idea which is “Have you smiled today?” weiweiboy hopes that people will find his works inspiring, encouraging, and be able to be stronger inside to face the world with a lovely smile.