Sasaya 小高潮品牌創辦人自稱色長,作品喜歡使用多種顏色,同時也很好色。2018年8月從澳洲打工度假畢業後,成立了「小高潮色計事務所」,任性的創作喜愛的主題 ,大部分以「旅行」「情色」「大自然」為主,目前事務所除了提供保證高潮的全套設計服務以外,也獨立出版各種旅行刊物和製作惡搞的小高潮商品!
The founder of the Sasaya little Climax claims to be a leader of color, she likes to use a variety of colors in the works and she is also a pervert. After finishing working holiday in Australia in August 2018, she established the “Little Climax Colors Office”. The most creative theme of her creation is “Travel”, “Erotic” and “Nature”. In addition to the full range of design services to ensure climax, it also independently publishes various travel publications and produces spoofed climax commodities!

【 2019 台北插畫藝術節 預售票券熱烈販售中 】
第二屆。台北插畫藝術節 2nd Taipei Illustration Fair
大眾展期|2019.12.20(五) – 12.22(日)10:30 – 19:00
媒體嘉賓|2019.12.19(四)14:00 – 19:00
展覽地點|松山文創園區 北向製菸工廠