他十八歲的時候,在Bexhill College念了製作音樂,電影,攝影及相關媒體的綜合學院。在那之後又跑到家鄉當地的Hastings College念Fine Art,當ㄧ個不斷問問題,一直煩教授的好奇寶寶。在制式的傳統教育走一遭後,他決定踏上新的旅程
— 當一名專業的音樂創作家 (利用鞋子當麥克風架!這是 Lo-Fi 你懂吧?)。
一路上為了很多大大小小的音樂、廣告公司及劇場文化創產做配樂相關工作。其中包含TWITCH, Schwarzkopf, OPEL 等歐洲知名公司。最驕傲的成就之一就是與英國藝術文化協會及愛丁堡藝術節合作。
現在的他正在探索人生新旅程,一路飛過半個地球到了台灣這個寶島。為了與未來的丈母娘聊是非 (其實是貪圖好吃的食物),決定當起了“半工半讀”的師大中文班學生,同時也積極地創作,與當地插畫家,作曲家交流。平日除了創作就是做點白日夢,幻想自己是科幻電影裡的主角,也小心探索自我的心靈旅程 — 用他那自閉症的大腦。
M.SUNWU, aka 猴太子, is an illustrator, musician, weird guy from U.K.
At the age of 18, he enrolled in Bexhill College to study Music Technology, Film, Photography and Media before securing a position to annoy their tutors (with lots of questions) studying Fine Art at Hastings College. After growing bored of the linear style of the course, he found a new adventure in recording and creating music…using a microphone balanced in a shoe (haven’t you heard of Lo-Fi?)
This passion eventually lead him to leave his home town and travel to Bath to gain a Diploma in Music Production before moving to London in pursuit of a Masters Degree In Popular Music.
Now after working with clients such as TWITCH, Schwarzkopf & OPEL and delving into projects with the British Arts Council and Edinburgh Fringe, he seeks their next big adventure in the tropical paradise of Taiwan.
Between illustrating and composing, he learns Mandarin at Taiwan Normal University to speak to their parent-in-laws (even if it is just to ask for more delicious food), day-dreams about living in a Sci-Fi movie and keeps up to date with mental health advocacy, especially Autism.

【 2019 台北插畫藝術節 預售票券熱烈販售中 】
第二屆。台北插畫藝術節 2nd Taipei Illustration Fair
大眾展期|2019.12.20(五) – 12.22(日)10:30 – 19:00
媒體嘉賓|2019.12.19(四)14:00 – 19:00
展覽地點|松山文創園區 北向製菸工廠