IntrovertDreamer (Tien) was a girl used to work with words more than colors. After graduation, she set out the journey of pursuing her passion for life and found it lies in art and illustration. She was especially drawn to the unique narrative voice illustration can create and the wide range of possibilities illustration plays around with.
Tien learned how to embrace art in Lucy Chen’s creative art courses. She officially started her career in 2018 and was one of the shortlisted artists of 2020 Asia Illustrations Annual Awards Art Exhibition. Now she mainly does hand-drawings and keeps on experimenting with new ideas.

【 2019 台北插畫藝術節 預售票券熱烈販售中 】
第二屆。台北插畫藝術節 2nd Taipei Illustration Fair
大眾展期|2019.12.20(五) – 12.22(日)10:30 – 19:00
媒體嘉賓|2019.12.19(四)14:00 – 19:00
展覽地點|松山文創園區 北向製菸工廠