▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 徵件插畫創作者:林芝羽 CHIH-YU LIN

  林芝羽 CHIH-YU LIN 生於新竹 ,英國University for the Creat […]



生於新竹 ,英國University for the Creative Arts (UCA) Master of graphic design 碩士畢業,在台灣就讀國立台灣書畫藝術學系畢業,開啟對字體插畫設計的興趣,直到現在仍然熱衷跟創作。

工作經驗包含絲網印刷、平面設計及特殊印刷,除了最喜愛也最擅長2D插畫,目前的創意專案是透過插畫,推廣臺灣繁體中文的美和意義,結合書法與傳統水墨、 視覺設計,使其更加耀眼。


Lived Hsinchu, studied at University for the Creative Arts (UCA) Master of the Master of Graphic in London, and graduated from the National Taiwan University for art Calligraphy and Painting Arts department , inspired the interest in fonts and illustration designs, now still keeping to create the more art works.

Works experience includes screen  printing, graphic design and printing processing. In addition to the most favorite 2D’s illustrations case, the current creative projects is to promote the beauty and meaning of Taiwanese mandarin characters by illustration ability, combining calligraphy with traditional ink, visual illustrations , make it more dazzling.



【 2018 台北插畫藝術節 預售票券熱烈販售中 】


• 預售票券/即日起販售至2018.09.04止

大眾展期 | 2018.09.07(五) – 09.09(日) 12:00 – 19:00



• 系列講座/

經紀是很專業的事 x 我接案故我創作 x 創作當代的本土味


「台北插畫藝術節 Taipei Illustration Fair」的個人頭像