▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 徵件插畫創作者:榑米felimia__11

  榑米felimia__11 Felimia,榑米。目前在書店工作同時著手個人插畫創作,是位對藍色 […]





Felimia,  Currently I create personal illustrations while working in a bookshop. I’m a rookie illustrator and obsessed with the color blue. The expectation of my work that can healing and evoke people innermost thought. For my artwork, I am proficient at simply color and geometric shape that can express my opinion or thought. Using abstract illustration with words influence the audience to think outside the box and think deep inside or your heart.  If you observe my works with floating lines and the shape of color. For that, I will say it was my interpretation of people, the world and my point of view.




【 2018 台北插畫藝術節 預售票券熱烈販售中 】


• 預售票券/即日起販售至2018.09.04止

大眾展期 | 2018.09.07(五) – 09.09(日) 12:00 – 19:00



• 系列講座/

經紀是很專業的事 x 我接案故我創作 x 創作當代的本土味



「台北插畫藝術節 Taipei Illustration Fair」的個人頭像