▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 徵件插畫創作者:黃馨Xin Hwang

  黃馨Xin Hwang 生於台北,在嘉義長大。射手座。 有著一顆敏感的心,熱愛藝術和文學,愛幻想 […]


黃馨Xin Hwang




Xin Hwang was born in Taipei, grew up in Chiayi.

She loves art and literature. Infatuated with the night and the stars.

She likes fantasy,always look at the interesting things in life with a telescope.

Her dream is that one day she can bring warmth to others through the power of art,  but the most thing she want to do is to read all of Proust’s books and make friends with an elephant.



【 2018 台北插畫藝術節 預售票券熱烈販售中 】


• 預售票券/即日起販售至2018.09.04止

大眾展期 | 2018.09.07(五) – 09.09(日) 12:00 – 19:00



• 系列講座/

經紀是很專業的事 x 我接案故我創作 x 創作當代的本土味



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