◆ 091. Gathery共享城市藝廊 / FB: Gathery / IG: gathery_tw

Gathery「共享城市藝廊」創立於2021,我們希望透過一面牆,串連起藝術家、店家、左鄰右舍,開啟意想不到的驚喜互動,只要你想得到的閒置牆面,都能邀請藝術家進駐。這不僅僅是一個實驗概念,更是以美感生活為目標的社會計畫,我們相信,每一件作品的展出,都能激發出城市中的創意能量 ;每一個閒置牆面的共享,都是培育文化底蘊的珍貴資源。牆面不再留白,增添城市色彩!
Gathery connect artists and shops in your neibourhood. Gathery was founded in 2021 with a mission to introduce the “shared” and the “circular” economy to the art industry in Taiwan, helping create a thriving eco-system between artists and art lovers both locally and internationally. We aims to create social impact and to elevate the art environment. Let’s unlock community interactions by transferring your wall as a shared art space!
