◆ 079. 柔伊插畫 Zoe Chuang Illustration / FB: 柔伊插畫 Zoe Chuang Illustration / IG: zoe_chuang_illu

我是柔伊,白天專注於繪畫創作,同時接受商業設計案件,自2016年起至今,陸續和天仁茗茶、統一、今生金飾等品牌合作;晚間成為繪畫教學老師,自2018年開始從事教學 ,教授範疇有:成人水彩畫、成人色鉛筆繪畫、Adobe Photoshop電腦繪圖。
I am Zoe. I create my art works and take commission jobs during the day time. I worked with several brands, such as TenRen’s Tea , Tzuo An Coffee, UNI- PRESIDENT ENTERPRISES CROP, etc. On the other hand, I host different art workshops during the night. I first started teaching watercolor since 2018, then I found out I enjoy sharing every much. After that I began to teach and hope I can share the joy of creating to other people.