◆ 051. 金玉水草平文創工作室 JYSCP Ciel / FB: 金玉水草平文創工作室 JYSCP Ciel / IG: cielgc
於2020年改名為劉鈺萍,決定用新名字拆解重組為品牌《金玉水草平》,代表我自己。我的身體內住著兩個靈魂並想嘗試不同風格和不同議題。近期以體操選手兔子《CMY rabbit》來呈現這個繽紛的世界。
Changed its name to Liu Yuping in 2020, and decided to use the new name to disassemble and reorganize it into the brand “Jin Yu Shui Cao Ping”, representing myself.There are two souls in my body and I want to try different styles and different topics. Recently, this colorful world is presented with the gymnast rabbit “CMY rabbit”.