◆ 048. 鴨寶 Where’s Hazel? / FB: 鴨寶 Where’s Hazel? / IG: cyhs2017

鴨寶,平面設計師,因熱愛自然風景,有台灣百岳、日本富士山的登山經驗,並於2018至2019年間,前往匈牙利打工度假,完成長達數千公里的歐洲朝聖之路。除了在FB專頁〈鴨寶Where’s Hazel?〉分享健行經驗與不同類型的創作者外,也常在IG@cyhs2017分享個人的速寫作品。
Hazel Chang, a graphic designer who loves nature landscapes has a lot of unforgettable experiences of hiking in Taiwan and in Japan. She went to Hungary for working holiday and finished Camino de Santiago from Hungary to Spain more than 3000 km. You can find these photos and sketches of hiking on FB ”Where’s Hazel?” and IG @cyhs2017.
