◆ 030. Yuz Draw Cooking 美食插畫 / FB: Yuz draw cooking 美食插畫 / IG: yuzdrawcooking

Yuz(游千瑩),台北人。過去為廣告公司的2D動畫師,現為自由電繪插畫家/影像創作者。從影片到插畫,為了求最適切的感情和思想傳達,喜好運用各種媒材作為創作媒介。筆下Yuz Draw Cooking系列插畫,是以食物和動物日常為題材,以療癒忙碌都市人為主題的電繪作品,希望能帶給觀者溫暖的能量。
Yuz (Fiona Yu), a food Illustrator & motion graphics designer based in Taiwan. She has been devoted to the field of motion graphics design and illustration since 2013.To convey the most appropriate feelings and thoughts, she likes to create artworks with mixed media. The mealtime puts people in a good mood. Inspired by this, Yuz drew a series of food illustrations, hoping those artworks can help to release stress for busy urbanites.
