◆ 027. LILIZ ART |莉莉子 / FB: Liliz Art 手感日常 / IG: liliz.art

張莉雯 Liliz,現為「Liliz Art 手感日常」工作室主理人,遊走於時尚與當代藝術之間,常受國際品牌指定為合作夥伴。主要從事品牌合作、現場時尚繪畫、私人訂製畫作與時尚花卉/人物繪畫工作坊。「時尚花卉」與「風格人物」為教學特色,擅長運用水彩、壓克力與插畫墨水,以細緻俐落與肌理堆疊的筆法呈現溫柔氛圍。透過時尚文化下的形象產物,對時下女性做為主體、對當代社會的探索與反思。曾個展於台中黑白切藝文空間、台北厭式會社等展演空間;聯展於2021春季當代藝術沙龍展、台北插畫藝術節等,並曾受邀於國立台北藝術大學藝推中心開班授課;商業部分則為各大國際精品指定合作——Polo Ralph Lauren、Levi’s、VOLVO、雅詩蘭黛集團與資生堂集團等旗下多項品牌插畫合作。
Liliz, the founder of LILIZ ART, mainly engaged in performing arts, commission customized paintings and illustration, live-event painting, and business collaboration. Passionate in teaching and painting, specialized in watercolor and acrylic creation. My works major in painting fashion portraits and flowers, with exquisite and neat drawing, outline the women in city’s posture. I had solo exhibitions at Black Blank Gallery, and The Misanthrope Society. Besides, I had an illustration collaboration with “500 times” publication, ELCA Inc. Taiwan, Polo Ralph Lauren, Levi’s, VOLVO cars as well as teaching cooperating with TNUA & Xiang Art.