■ 20- 愛華華 AI-HUA-HUA

愛華華,台北,插畫設計自由工作者。2019炎炎夏日中個人品牌出生了,名為「愛華華 AI-HUA-HUA」。在熙熙攘攘的日子裡,插畫是一絲平靜;在平淡無奇的生活中,設計是激情彭湃。承認三分鐘熱度的我,只希望能自由地拿著畫筆到老。
AI-HUA-HUA, Born in Taiwan, she is a freelancer for graphic design and illustration. Many artworks are inspired by movies, books, people and her own experiences. Illustration gives her inner peace during the messy days. Design is the passion of dull life. All she wants to do is keep drawing until old.