2019 台北插畫藝術節 主視覺藝術家:楊力龢 Edney Yang

楊力龢 Edney Yang 畫畫是生命的表現 1982年生 高雄,台灣2008 畢業於銘傳大學 商業設計學系 […]

楊力龢 Edney Yang


1982年生 高雄,台灣
2008 畢業於銘傳大學 商業設計學系
平面設計/ 繪畫創作 /品牌形象設計 / 表演創作



Painting is the expression of life

Born in Kaohsiung in 1982, Taiwan. Graduated from the Department of Business Design at Ming Chuan University in 2008

Graphic Design / Painting Creation / Brand Image Design / Performance Creation

I started painting after the age of 22, and the cause was “poor word”. I was in the Department of Automation and Engineering and the Department of Mass Communication. Things outside the text and the real scene seem to be more able to express my own feelings. Because of this, I went to the design department again, in order to be able to establish the formation of expression consciousness (thinking).

I learned from it that style is just a extension (or choice) of my own mentality, so I don’t expect to maintain what kind of “style”, but I want to think more about the content in the picture.

【 2019 台北插畫藝術節 預售票券熱烈販售中 】

第二屆。台北插畫藝術節 2nd Taipei Illustration Fair

大眾展期|2019.12.20(五) – 12.22(日)10:30 – 19:00
媒體嘉賓|2019.12.19(四)14:00 – 19:00
展覽地點|松山文創園區 北向製菸工廠

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