2019 台北插畫藝術節 徵件插畫創作者:Ro Fen 露璠

Ro Fen 露璠


RO Fen is an illustrator based in Taipei, Taiwan. She has got art education, but most of her illustrated skills are self taught. She especially develops portrait illustrations, but also likes to try every things. She has won the 3×3 Award this year.

【 2019 台北插畫藝術節 預售票券熱烈販售中 】

第二屆。台北插畫藝術節 2nd Taipei Illustration Fair

大眾展期|2019.12.20(五) – 12.22(日)10:30 – 19:00
媒體嘉賓|2019.12.19(四)14:00 – 19:00
展覽地點|松山文創園區 北向製菸工廠