2019 台北插畫藝術節 徵件插畫創作者:Monster AJ

Monster AJ Monster AJ,台灣設計師,畢業於國立台灣科技大學工業設計系,畢業後遠赴溫哥華求學 […]

Monster AJ

Monster AJ,台灣設計師,畢業於國立台灣科技大學工業設計系,畢業後遠赴溫哥華求學,並於當地星巴克擔任咖啡師。2017年返台後,踏上燈光設計師的旅程,在不同的領域追求同樣的事情⏤設計。這樣的經歷成就了屬於自己的故事,也開拓了人生視野。設計,攝影,塗鴉,咖啡以及玩具,是生活日常,亦是創作來源。藝術創作,設計攝影是人生不可或缺的態度,更豐富了人生旅途中的每一步。

Monster AJ, a designer, was born in Taiwan, and had got the bachelor degree in design at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. After four-year study, an overseas adventure began. Vancouver, a second place, to get the master degree also worked as a barista trainer at the Starbucks. As a citizen in a global village can broaden the horizons as well as respect the diversity and inspire the creativity. In 2017, came back to Taiwan as a lighting designer, in different fields pursue the same thing⏤ Design. These experiences make her always be curious about everything, and has her own meaning of life. Design, photography, doodle, coffee and toys, are all about her daily life which the inspiration comes from. Creativity is a goal and an attitude towards the lifelong journey. Do more and become a better me is the motto.

【 2019 台北插畫藝術節 預售票券熱烈販售中 】

第二屆。台北插畫藝術節 2nd Taipei Illustration Fair

大眾展期|2019.12.20(五) – 12.22(日)10:30 – 19:00
媒體嘉賓|2019.12.19(四)14:00 – 19:00
展覽地點|松山文創園區 北向製菸工廠

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