▪︎ 2018 台北插畫藝術節 銅賞 Bronze Award:孫慶宴 Sun Ching Yen

孫慶宴Sun Ching Yen,2017年八月從伯恩茅斯藝術大學畢業,就讀插畫係,專心研讀繪本故事寫作,目前 […]

孫慶宴Sun Ching Yen,2017年八月從伯恩茅斯藝術大學畢業,就讀插畫係,專心研讀繪本故事寫作,目前 useless little things STUDIO 繼續圖像創作與接案。

2014年, Joseph, C.  A pple, T. N ana. T.兩個好朋友 和 Sun 在英國合作的工作室。

成立 useless little things STUDIO沒有用的小東西工作室,名字來自於兒時被三個哥哥嬉(ㄑ 一)戲(ㄈ ㄨ ˋ)的回憶,家裡總會有一個你丟不掉,也不太理解可以做什麼,但經過看見它時,總會遲疑然後會心一笑的小東西。

2018 台北插畫藝術節 展覽現場 Taipei Illustration Fair Exhibition record

Sun was born in Su-Ao, Taiwan. She studied at Arts University Bournemouth. 2014,  useless little things STUDIO by Joseph, C. Apple, T. Nana. T. and Sun.

With good naive humor and honesty, useless little things STUDIO’s artworks talk to, and of, the ‘everyday’. The feeling ‘we’ve all been …’, creates an intimacy between illustration and viewer that connect the emotion and memory.  Family, childhood memories, and experiences directly inspire most of our ideas for stories and illustrations as well as with the people we encounter.

There are some experiences in life that are so impressive, It should be more than just memories. It serves as a life record for us and also as a path to a secret message with such a self-oriented intention.  

2018 台北插畫藝術節 展覽現場 Taipei Illustration Fair Exhibition record
2018 台北插畫藝術節 展覽現場 Taipei Illustration Fair Exhibition record
2018 台北插畫藝術節 展覽現場 Taipei Illustration Fair Exhibition record
2018 台北插畫藝術節 展覽現場 Taipei Illustration Fair Exhibition record

#台北插畫藝術節 # #2018TIF #插畫藝術節回顧 #TaipeiIllustrationFair #2018TIF得獎者 #銅賞 #BronzeAward #孫慶宴 #SunChingYen

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