2019 亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair 邀請藝術家 Invited Artist
◉ Michael Vincent Manalo Michael Vincent Manalo – Artworks(菲律賓 Philippines )
2019 亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair Open call 徵件至 6/30 (上海寶龍美術館)
亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair

2019 亞洲插畫藝術節 邀請藝術家 AIF Invited Artists
◉ Michael Vincent Manalo Michael Vincent Manalo – Artworks(菲律賓 Philippines )
Michael於1986年出生於菲律賓馬尼拉,現居台灣台中。 他是一位視覺藝術家,擅長於攝影,影像合成,動畫設計,音樂編輯和裝置藝術。 他的作品受到懷舊和夢幻般環境的想像回憶的啓發,創作出對末日來臨與噩夢的記錄。曾在多個國家舉辦展覽,講座及工作坊,除此之外,他還擔任出版公司和歌手專輯的平面設計師。最近也出版一本在台灣環島一個月的影像紀錄。他不斷地挑戰各種各樣的數位藝術設計案子以求自我進步。

Free-spirit, Gamer, Beach lover. Born in Manila, Philippines in 1986, Michael lives and is based in Taichung, Taiwan. He is a visual artist who focuses on photography, photo-manipulation and installations. His work is inspired by the imagined memories of nostalgic and dream-like environments; his works documents their decline into post-apocalyptic, nightmarish creations.
Manalo has exhibited in several countries – and gave short lectures and workshops, aside from that he works as a graphic designer for publishing companies and musicians. He constantly accepts commissions for digital art and installation artworks.
IG: michaelvmanalo
2019 亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair Open call 徵件至 6/30 (上海寶龍美術館)
Application Deadline| June.30.2019 (23:59, China Standard Time)

報名網址 Link:http://www.asiaillustrationfair.com/application
#亞洲插畫藝術節 #上海寶龍美術館 #自由人藝術公寓 #AsiaIllustrationFair #徵件 #2019aif #AIF #opencall #illustration #freedommenart#MichaelVincentManalo #MVM