2019 亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair Open call 徵件至 6/30 (上海寶龍美術館)
邀請藝術家 AIF Invited Artists 早川モトヒロ・motohiro hayakawa
亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair 在寶龍美術館。6月28日上午12:45 · 中華人民共和國上海市 ·
2019 亞洲插畫藝術節 邀請藝術家 AIF Invited Artists
◉ 早川モトヒロ・motohiro hayakawa (日本)

Motohiro Hayakawa,1974年出生於山口縣,2000年畢業於山口藝術大學,並以東京為據點開始了他的藝術生涯。駭人的怪物、鐺鐺作響的機器人,以及70年代科幻英雄風格的動感服裝和激光槍,Motohiro Hayakawa漫畫般的戰鬥場面是無止盡的,並邀請你進入這驚心動魄的戰局,一起享受其中的樂趣。
在從事插畫和漫畫工作以前都在當地的技術學院學習。影響他最深的是童年時期的科幻冒險和漫畫,特別是80年代早期播出的日本電視節目「太空警長」也成了他作品中出現的元素,還有美國漫畫家兼插畫家Gary Panter,以及一系列流行、龐克音樂都帶給他創作靈感。運用不同紋理、技術、線條,還有果凍狀及螢光色,Hayakawa創造了充滿活力兼具敘事的想像畫面。
自2009年以來,他一直在東京的畫廊展出作品,包括在森下文化中心。並於2013年在馬德里舉辦個展,同年由法國出版社Le Dernier Cri發行他的漫畫書LASERBEAM。近年來,除了展覽之外,Motohiro Hayakawa積極從事藝術工作,在日本及世界各地的城市現場創作藝術。

Born in Yamaguchi prefecture in 1974. Hayakawa graduated from Yamaguchi College of Arts. In 2000, he started his career as an artist based in Tokyo.Lurid monsters, clanking robots and 70s-inspired sci-fi heroes sporting kitsch outfits and laser guns. Motohiro Hayakawa’s comic-style battle scenes are places where the action never stops, thrilling invitations to step inside and join the fun.
Born in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan, Hayakawi studied at the region’s Technical Institute before going on to work in illustration and comics. Major influences include the science fiction adventures and cartoons of his childhood, in particular Space Sheriff, a cult Japanese TV show aired in the early 80s. The US cartoonist and illustrator, Gary Panter, is also cited by Hayakawi, together with a range of musical inspirations, from pop to punk. Using a mixture of different textures and techniques, fine lines, jelly-like forms and fluorescent colour, Hayakawa creates imagined scenes charged with energy and narrative flair. Since 2009, he has exhibited work in galleries across Tokyo, including at the Morishita Cultural Centre. He held a solo show in Madrid in 2013 and his comic book LASERBEAM was released by the French publishing house Le Dernier Cri in the same year. Recently, his aggressive activities ranging from exhibitions to live paintings all over Japan and beyond are evaluated in worldwide countries.
IG: moto583motohiro

2019 亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair Open call 徵件至 6/30 (上海寶龍美術館)
Application Deadline| June.30.2019 (23:59, China Standard Time)
#亞洲插畫藝術節 #上海寶龍美術館 #自由人藝術公寓 #AsiaIllustrationFair #徵件 #2019aif #AIF #opencall #illustration #freedommenart#MotohiroHayakawa