文章來源: 亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair
2019 亞洲插畫藝術節 邀請藝術家 AIF Invited Artist
◉ 黑青 Black and Blue Cosmos(台灣 Taiwan)
「黑青Black and Blue Cosmos」是結合平面、立體、虛擬、真實、靜態、動態的系列創作,以墨汁及原子筆繪成的圖像為原型,再透過3D、2D、AR、影像等形式,表演在各種載體及媒介之上。誕生於2018年5月,至今走過越南、台南、台北、廣洲、德國漢堡、非洲肯亞等地。在展演的過程中透過多種媒介的展示,再以繪畫的活動與各地的小朋友及觀眾互動,透過各種視覺的表現形式走入日常生活。
Black and Blue Cosmos is a series of creation combined with graphic, solid, virtuality, reality, static state and dynamic. From the prototype of image drafted with ink and pen, the creation was processed by 3D, 2D, and AR technology before demonstrated on all kinds of media and carrier. Created in May, 2018, Black and Blue Cosmos has traveled through Vietnam, Taipei, Tainan, Guangzhou, Hamburg and Kenya to date. Demonstrated on all kinds of media, it interacted with local children with drawing activities, integrated into our everyday lives via all kinds of visual demonstration.
黑青 Black and Blue Cosmos
IG: blackandbluecosmos
2019 亞洲插畫藝術節 Asia Illustration Fair Open call 徵件至 6/30 (上海寶龍美術館)
Application Deadline| June.30.2019 (23:59, China Standard Time)
報名網址 Link:http://www.asiaillustrationfair.com/application
#亞洲插畫藝術節 #上海寶龍美術館 #自由人藝術公寓 #AsiaIllustrationFair #徵件#2019aif #AIF #opencall #illustration #freedommenart #黑青#blackandbluecosmos