文章來源: 台灣印花設計節 Taiwan Pattern Design Festival
【 台灣印花設計節:看不見的孔雀 】
– 邀請展出藝術家: Gongkan Kantapon Metheekul(泰國)
在泰國曼谷出生並長大。紐約藝術學院畢業。目前主要在曼谷和紐約的藝術家和設計師。擁有深厚的藝術背景和4年廣告的商業工作代理經驗,他的創造力將廣告從數位藝術延伸到創作,他創作各種風格作品的能力為他贏得了許多廣告獎項像是Cannes Lion, Clio, Spikes Asia。Kantapon對於藝術有很大的創作熱情,他每天都在手繪插圖中找到靈感與生活,時尚和人之間的關係。 他的作品也跟許多大時尚品牌合作過,也在很多出版物中出現過。
Born and raised in Bangkok . Art School Graduate. Art Director and Illustrator based in Bangkok and New York. With a strong background in art and 4 years of experience in top advertising agencies, Kantapon’s creativity extends from advertising to digital art to fine arts. His ability to create various styles of works have won him many advertising awards across the world from Cannes Lion to Clio and Spikes Asia.Obsessed with arts, Kantapon finds inspiration in his hand-drawn illustrations in everyday life, fashion and people’s relationship. He has also illustrated for high-street and luxury fashion brands and has been featured in several publications. His works display on a wide range of medium from digital painting to street art and art exhibition.
– 展覽日期:2019.6.11(二)-09.22(日)
– 展覽地點:台灣設計館06展間(松山文創園區 松菸口)
2019 台灣印花設計節「看不見的孔雀」徵件 5/10 截止
#台灣印花設計節 #TPDF #TaiwanPatternDesignFestival #看不見的孔雀 #自由人藝術公寓 #PATTERN #PATTERNDESIGN #印花 #印花設計 #印花創作 #邀請藝術家 #gongkan